Our Zen Mamas Book is Here!


To our beautiful YZM community,

So much has changed since our days writing this book. Now more than ever, we want to be able to support, empower and honor mothers as they embark on their parenting journey during these uncertain times.  

The support, encouragement and wisdom we’ve gathered from our beautiful Your Zen Mama community is what kept us plugging away at this passion project despite how many times it felt overwhelming. Sarah and I split the book in half; she took on some chapters and I took on some and then we swapped to edit and tweak our respective chapters and weave in our voices to each others work.

We spent more than a year writing and to know that it’s coming out during a time in history where what we need more than ever is to just feel held, seen and listened to; well, we really believe it has found its release date intentionally.⁣

We hope this book carries you and speaks to you. We hope that you derive a sense of connection and empowerment from what you read. Take care and stay safe and healthy. We love you
