10 Fun and Creative DIY Activities To Entertain Your Littles At Home

The reality is we live in a modern world where screens seem to dominate: whether it's at school, at a friends or a screen time allowance at home, Enter: at home DIY activities that can be a breath of fresh air, save you from the stir-craziness and help foster creativity, problem solving and social skills. Plus, they are a #coremem activation by allowing for sibling and family bonding time.

Today we're sharing 10 fun and easy DIY activities you can enjoy with your children, right in the comfort of your own home.

Homemade Playdough: Whipping up a batch of homemade playdough is oh-so-easy and oh-so-fun! By using simple ingredients like flour, salt, water, and food coloring you can have some colorful, non toxic playdough in no time. Let your little ones' imaginations run wild as they sculpt colorful creations. Pro tip: add glitter, flowers or essential oils for an extra sensory experience.

Cardboard Box Creations: Before you recycle those empty cardboard boxes, stop! They're the perfect canvas for imaginative play and hold endless hours of fun in them creating costumes, cubby houses, forts, castles, race cars, or even mini cities. By adding paint, markers, crayons and stickers into the mix, plain boxes can be transformed into magical worlds.

Nature-inspired Crafts: First step for this activity is to take a nature walk with your littles and collect all the colorful offerings Mother Nature has to offer. From leaves, to twigs, to flowers and anything else you discover along the way. Then, once you return home (bonus, you all got some steps in!) you can turn these natural treasures into beautiful crafts like leaf paintings, twig sculptures, or flower pressed bookmarks. It's a wonderful way to instil appreciation for the outdoors while sparking creativity indoors.

Science Experiments: Who doesn't love a bit of science magic and to get their experiment on! You can quite easily turn your kitchen into a laboratory with simple and safe DIY science experiments. From homemade lava lamps to baking soda volcanoes, there's no shortage of exciting projects to explore. A simple google search will provide endless options that are not only educational, but also spark curiosity.

Upcycle Art: Encourage creativity and eco-awareness by upcycling household items into works of art. Just by taking a simple look around the house you will discover a multitude of objects that can be transformed into works of art. Tin cans can become colorful pencil holders, old magazines can be transformed into collages, and egg cartons can be repurposed into flower vases or funny faces. This activity teaches kids about sustainability, whilst also igniting their resourcefulness at the same time.

Indoor Gardening: Bring the outdoors in by creating an indoor garden. Plant easy-to-grow seeds like herbs, flowers, or even smaller vegetables in pots or recycled containers. Watch as your little ones discover plant life cycles, learn about responsibility, develop a green thumb and share the joy of watching their efforts bloom.

Musical Instruments: Musical instruments made from household items? Yes please! Maracas using rice-filled plastic bottles, drums from empty coffee cans, guitars from tissue boxes and rubber bands, and paper plate cymbals. It's a fun way to introduce kids to the world of music and encourage creativity and rhythm at the same time.

Puppet Theater: Transform an ordinary cardboard box into a magical puppet theater for hours of imaginative play. Help your kids create their own puppets using socks, paper bags, or felt, and let them put on puppet shows with their favorite stories or original tales. This helps cultivate communication and storytelling skills.

Board Games: Create home made board games for a fun-filled family game night. Stick to the classics or come up with your own fun creations by using cardboard, markers, and craft supplies to personalize game boards, cards, and pieces. This will be sure to bring many nights of family fun!

Cooking and Baking Adventures: Ready, set, cook!! Get your aprons and chefs hats on for some delicious at home culinary creations. Let your kids help measure, mix, and decorate to develop a life skill and have a side of tasty treats in the meantime!

These are just 10 examples of fun, DIY activities that can be done at home and offer a myriad of benefits for both kids and parents alike. From fostering creativity and problem-solving skills to promoting bonding and quality time, DIY projects are always fun. So roll up your sleeves, gather your supplies, and embark on these delightful DIY adventures with your little ones today!