Postpartum Vlog Week 6 by Sarah Olsen


What Week?

6 weeks postpartum

How big is baby?

13 pounds 11 ounces

Whats something new this week?

It seems like she is starting to create her own schedule.. Now they say the moment you get use to something it changes. This week she has become a bit predictable. Her poos are even coming at the same time. She is falling asleep around 8pm waking at 1 for milk, then asleep again then waking at 5 and sleeping until 7 or 8. To be getting this much sleep has been incredible for both of us. Co-sleeping with her has been working so well. She starts the night on my chest as I work or watch TV and then I put her in her bassinet next to my bed around 9pm and she sleeps till 1. Its been so awesome just allowing her to dictate her own schedule, I did this with Wyatt as well.


ALSO We have discovered that Esmé is a baby who has a hard time with fast transition. So before you pick her up or change her or turn her or do just about anything, she likes for you to tell her what is happening. Sounds crazy right? Tell your 6 week old that you are putting on her shirt. The crazy thing is, it works. When I guide her through a change or transition she is fine, but If I try to pick her up fast she cries a big scared, upset cry that doesn’t last long but is obvious that she needs a warning. It will be interesting to see if this is part of her personality. Babies are fascinating. And when you start to figure out their cues and what they need its pretty incredible.

Most challenging moment?

Wyatt got a cold and he LOVES holding her and helping with her. I have been trying to keep them separated without making him feel bad about about being sick. I have been reminding him that she is little and we have to try and keep her healthy so she doesn’t have to go to the doctor. He has been great about it and this morning he said, “When I get better I can hold Esmé again, right mama?” Heart Melting.


Something you loved this week?

We took the kids to our friends house in Malibu, had lunch and hung out watching football. Esmé slept on the couch and loved laying on a blanket staring at everyone. It’s pretty amazing watching her soak up everything around her.

She has fallen in love with laying on a blanket on the couch, floor, or wherever we are.
If she is fussy she either is hungry, has a burp, needs to poo, is tired, or wants her “me time” which Wyatt always loved as well. This has made helping her through the fourth trimester pretty great. Im not sure if she is easier or if I am just more relaxed about everything. I felt pretty relaxed with Wyatt as a babe but this feels even more chill. If you have a newborn around this age and you haven’t tried just laying them on a blanket on the bed or couch or floor or booth at a restaurant, with or without a paci, give it a try.  It worked well for both of my babies.  Its one of my soothing methods if I’m holding her and she is upset and other things aren’t working, I try that. I’ll leave a hand on her chest for a minute as she adjusts to the transition of laying down. Then I just let her lay and chill. This is also a great time to do baby massage, rub their feet, sing to them, or just talk to them.


Also we went to an event for STOKKE this week and we went home with their Tripp trapp chairs that grow with you. Wyatt is LOVING his chair and he can’t wait for Esmé to sit next to him in her adorable pink one.


Mama time?

BIRTHFIT! I’m SO happy I started doing this workout. Im blown away by how much my body was craving this time to focus and start being active again. I feel so good taking time two days a week for myself.

What am I eating?

Well I can’t eat Kale at the moment. I love kale, but It is really hard for Esme to process her milk when I am eating it. She has major tummy troubles. So this has been cut from my diet.
I have replaced my love for kale with cabbage, bok choy, and spinach. Which are all delicious!

Can we talk about sidecar donuts for a second. I can’t handle how delicious this place is. They do one GF donut a week and they are INSANE! Its a treat for sure that I can’t indulge in all the time, but once in a while…..yummmmmmmm

What we really should be asking is: What is Wyatt eating? Loving this Planet lunch box, and filling it with all of his favorite foods for school.


My body

I want to talk about Birthfit and how I feel it has affected my body this week.
The moment I started, I felt my body waking up. My muscle memory kicked in. The balloon that was my belly started to come back in when I began to focus on my posture and my breathing. My body felt like jelly the last few weeks as everything was trying to find its place. This workout has started to tighten and strengthen me.


The BIRTHFIT Postpartum Series:

-To properly and consciously re-establish motor patterns in a natural, functional sequence that mimics and translates into daily movement patterns.

-To initiate emotional healing from both the highs and lows of labor and delivery and associated trauma. This lasts much longer than our course.

-To nourish mind, body, and soul with nutrient dense foods, positive thoughts, and an environment that lifts you and your choices up.

They have Affiliates (soon to be called Regional Directors) all over the country. These woman are doctors, coaches, acupuncturists, nurses, doulas, Air Force Captains, and mothers. They lead the classes and workshops in their communities.

More updates to come, but if you have any questions about the series feel free to leave a comment and I will answer.



Checking in.

We are groovin’ now! Wyatt loves school, Esmé seems to be establishing a pattern. Our family foursome has found its flow. So mentally, emotionally, physically I am feeling strong. Work has picked back up and this will be a new exciting challenge. I really believe getting back into a workout and taking some time for mama helps to lift you up on all levels. Putting some focus on my health has made me feel more energetic and has helped me to feel “normal” again.

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