Teresa is....PREGNANT! Week 15 Pregnancy VLOG by Teresa Palmer


What week?


How big is the baby?

11.2 - 12.2cm / 4.04inches - 4.4cm 

About the size of an apple.


What's something new this week?

We announced our pregnancy this week! So if you’re reading this it may perhaps be the first vlog in the series you’ve seen. I actually have 11 other videos and week by week articles coming at you. I documented my whole first trimester too so those videos will be dropping one by one over the next few weeks. Or maybe you’ve started from the first one? Either way! Welcome. Everyone has been so loving and supportive, it feels surreal and so exciting. I feel really good to not have to hide the pregnancy now, as my tummy has gotten so big it’s very hard to conceal now. Very liberating to have it all out there!


Most challenging moment?

Feeling very tired. I slept for 2 hours during the day on Saturday. Luckily Mark held it down with the kids and played Lego with them. I’ve had daily headaches but that’s probably due to the lack of hydration I’m getting, working on it! 

Most exciting moment?

Releasing our Twist and Shout video! We were mucking around to the song and then after listening to the lyrics realised we could make a super silly announcement video with the kids! They were stoked and really into the idea so thats what we did, it was really fun but because I keep my kids faces partially concealed on my social media it was challenging to ensure I kept their privacy too, Bodhi chose to wear a mask, Isaac wanted to wear his unicorn head and I put a hat on Forest which he kept pulling up! We had a blast with it and the kids helped me paint her gender on my tummy.


Starting weight?


Current weight?


(6 lb weight gain)


None! but going to start this week back at my gym after Mark gets home from NY. Our gym has a childcare in it so I’ll have to see how Forest goes in there. He hated it last time so we will see! Mark will be back up to have him. Mark goes to the gym everyday so now he can hold it down with Forest while I hit up some classes!



Veggie burgers, veggie Sushi rolls, avocado toast, green juice, chocolate protein smoothies 

Food aversions?

None! Although I can’t quite eat as much as I usually do.


Popcorn! In fact I Postmates’d two large movie popcorns and boba teas the other day. The kids re benefitting from my crazy cravings! Mark seems to think he is emotionally eating from baby happiness haha he ate the entire box of ice cream sandwiches we bought yesterday, I didn’t even a get a look in!! sympathy weight maybe? Haha


I just asked Mark “hmm what have we been reflecting on this week?” Mark: “how you used to love your husband before kids?!” hahahaha he is really on one! I will say we definitely need to focus more on time management for each other. We don’t have help in US, in OZ my mum lives in the guest house on our property so she is always around if we want a date night, even thought honestly we still don’t utilise her enough. When we are in LA it generally means I’m not working so I have the kids. It’s non stop and Mark and I just slip in to the routine of me doing bedtime and falling straight to sleep with the kids and then up and at em, getting everyone ready for school, or extra curricular activities, racing off to toddler class and various other child-centric activities and we end up being like passing ships in the night. We both keep saying how we have to carve time out to be with each other. So when Mark gets back from NY I’ll focus on doing that! I’m sure we aren’t the only couple with kids who are noticing the lack of time we have for each other.