Week 12 Pregnancy VLOG by Teresa Palmer
What week?
How big is the baby?
The size of a lime or 6.6 - 7.9cm or 2.6 - 3.1 inches
What's something new this week?
We saw our baby again!! She looked so wonderful and big. She was moving her little arms and kicking her legs. It’s crazy to think she was only just over 6cm long! They look so much bigger in the scan. We also got to see her in 3D, and that was incredible. Also, I’m feeling great this week and have been keeping active and on the go, seeing lots of friends. So nice to be feeling better!
Most challenging moment?
Actually not much this week after last weeks debacle! I had so much more energy and felt alive again, I can definitely feel my second trimester right around the corner and boy am I looking forward to that. I had lots of babysitters this week, my mum and then their grandma (my stepmum) wanted the boys for a few hours so it was a relaxing week!
Most exciting moment?
Bringing Bodhi, Forest and my mum to see baby girl. Bodhi was so excited he couldn’t sit still which caused its own challenges! Mum got all teary, she couldn’t be more excited to have a granddaughter. Our baby girl was actually in the very same position Bodhi was in back when I saw him in 3D at exactly the same gestation! Covering their little faces. I was just in awe and FaceTimed Mark in as he was working and also the anxiety got the better of him so he opted out from coming to the scan. He was giddy with excitement and we just had an amazing week again. She measured the way she was supposed to, so grateful for her health.
Bodhi Baby girl
Starting weight?
52kg / 114lbs
Current weight?
51.5kg / 113lbs
Beach antics, playing with the kids and running about the place. Lots of play dates this week, back in nature and moving our bodies.
Lots of vegan burgers this week! Vegan pizza and banana bread (a staple for me!)
Food aversions?
Popcorn again!
I’ve just been thinking about the past 12 weeks and how grateful I am that she chose us as her parents, I’m so thankful to almost be out of the first trimester and then also sad to think; what if this was the last first trimester I get to have? (I still think Mark will go one more but who knows?!) Did I appreciate it enough? Did I connect in with her enough? Was I too worried about making it to the second trimester milestone to really be present? I think I have. I’ve been listening to so many birthing podcasts getting ready for her journey earthside. If you’re interested you should listen too, my two favourite ones are; The Birth Hour & Australian Birth Stories. They’ve been getting me feeling very zenned out and focused on the next bunch of months until her birth.