Week 25 Pregnancy VLOG by Teresa Palmer

What week?


How big is the baby?

9.6 inches (24.4cm) or the size of a Nappa Cabbage? 2ish lbs (907g)

What's something new this week?

Baby hiccups! Or at least I think that’s what it was. My belly seemed to be pulsing rhythmically, and it felt like she was hiccuping. I’m not sure how far along you typically are before you’re supposed to feel it, but because I’ve felt it twice before with babies in utero, I’m pretty clicked in to what feels like what so I’m feeling pretty confident that’s what it was! Forest was getting a kick out of feeling my tummy dance though. 


I also believe I can see a very faint linea nigra on my lower belly! I got excited when I saw it, hopefully it’ll keep getting darker, I really love that line on pregnant bellies. 


Most challenging moment?

Right now! Ha. I’m writing this as we land into LAX. It’s currently 2am where we came from and I’m so groggy and tired. The flight was pretty cruisy though. Mark, Isaac and Bodhi were about ten rows up from myself, mum and Forest. Even though Forest is challenging on the plane, when he gets tired he was actually much more engaged in watching shows this time round and just needed to be nursed to sleep a couple of times, so overall it was very positive. We also had one of those rows of four with one seat spare so I got to lie down. Mark swapped with mum halfway through the flight, and we watched Hereditary. Maybe that was the most challenging part of my week! It was the scariest film I’ve ever seen, I know I’ll be pushing images out of my head all week. 


Most exciting moment?

We have been in Melbourne at our friend Kate and Dan’s place. They have 4 kids, and we met them when Bodhi was attending the Green School in Bali. Their son Mosey was in class with Bodhi. For the past few days they hosted us at their DREAM HOME! I felt like I was staying in a 5 star exclusive resort, it’s absolutely the most amazing home I’ve ever seen, all bright and white, the amazing dream mix of open space, glass, concrete, wood and so much nature. It’s an absolute haven for kids, with a huge pool, playroom, tennis/basketball court, skate ramp, cubby house, sand pit, trampoline, 4 wheelers and tons of land. What an epic vacation for us. Kate treated us to awesome vegan platters and great food, fantastic post bedtime chats and the four of us adults worked on our business, Earth Hut, which is launching in 2019 (eco, vegan, organic baby products and more info to come!). Plus their eldest daughter, Lila, was like a built in baby sitter for Forest, she was so helpful and cute with him.

Bodhi also got to attend the only The Lost Forests shop in Australia and pick out more puggles (which have now become the death of me as he lugs them everywhere!!).  I’m having a custom order one made one for his birthday in his favourite colour “rainbow sparkles”. 


Starting weight?


Current weight?



Chasing kids through outdoor mazes and over tree top rope bridges?! Nope probably doesn’t count.



Vegan dips, pizza, the yummiest eggplant parmigiana, garlic bread, all the burrata I can summon, terrible plane food, bread, Vegemite, pasta, vegan burgers and fries, about 12 Tim tams mid flight when I was supposed to be sleeping...Basically Carb/sugar city with a few health hits of green juices..that offsets the junk right??


Food aversions?

Vegetables 😬


Sleep?! I’m very jetlagged here in NYC. I started writing this on the plane and finished in bed in NYC at 4am. I’ve been up since 2am ahhh the joys of international travel.

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Happy New Year, friends!! I’ve had so much to be thankful for this year. I just posted about it on Instagram. What a brilliant year it’s been. The start of the year was finishing off A Discovery of Witches in Wales, then followed by filming Ride Like a Girl in Melbourne and then the second half of the year was all about FAMILY. Just getting to be a stay at home mum, connecting with the boys, welcoming the most exciting news about our baby, then making some really new and impactful friendships. I’ve also just ventured out into business and I’m starting 2 new ventures with two wonderful couples. Life is feeling really, really special right now.

This year has shown me many great lessons, I’ve gotten closer to myself, and navigated through some issues that needed addressing. I look at it all as opportunities to go deeper and explore more of who I am and what I want. I’ve found clarity in the hurt. I’ve noticed that since I’ve let go of giving hardships power, they suddenly aren’t so hard. They’re interesting to look at and delve into, but it can be done without fear, instead replaced with a certain amount of curiosity. Our minds are so powerful. 

Some of the most important take always for me this year have been; try to stay in your peace, the place that feels real and right to you. Head in the opposite direction of drama, breathe and slow down, say No to things that take you away from what you dream of doing or No to the things that don’t serve you and only suck up what little spare time you have. Break up with having to always be the yes person. Write out which direction you want to head in and figure out ways to achieve what you’re going after next year, try not to lose your focus too much but enjoy being open to what experiences come your way. You can handle anything. Give love to all, even just a smile from a friendly face makes a difference, find the kindest places of your heart and radiate it to everyone, showing even the smallest interest in someone can change their view of themselves and pick them up from the lonely places. Be love, give love and it’ll come back to you and yours in abundance. Sending tremendous warmth, appreciation and love to you dear reader, may you be happy and at peace this NYE.