Week 8 Pregnancy VLOG by Teresa Palmer
What week?
How big is the baby?
Kidney bean or 2.3 - 3cm / 0.9" - 1.18"
What's something new this week?
We saw the heartbeat!! What an amazing experience. We are absolutely over the moon. We traveled back to Adelaide to attend the Royal Adelaide Show and Isaac was traveling back to the states from Adelaide, so we were just in Oz for a weekend. We zipped in for the scan on the Friday we landed, and I don’t think we have ever been so nervous!
Most challenging moment?
Mark and I were both so anxious about the scan that we had made ourselves sick! We both were so scared and nervous. I couldn’t eat. Mark thought he couldn’t even come in because he felt so freaked out! We had such a traumatic scan a few years back with our molar pregnancy, that it has really affected both of us. Mark was a wreck in the waiting room, and it was a horrible 20 minutes of waiting.
Waiting room anxiety
Most exciting moment?
Seeing our darling baby!! So happy and healthy with the teeniest little movements and a happy, happy heartbeat of 180bps. The ultrasound technician found it straight away. I was expecting and internal scan but it was on the abdomen. Mark and I both burst in to tears with relief and then got GIDDY with excitement. After not seeing much at our 6 week scan in Bali, this was the ultimate relief and such a positive sign that we got to see the heartbeat. Ahhh it was bliss.
Starting weight?
Current weight?
Does walking around the show for 12 hours count?
So happy to be back in Adelaide for some of our favourite staples. Banana bread, smashed avocado, vegan pizza, wedges, stir fry’s
Food Aversions?
Back feeling food again!
SUGAR!! And boy were those cravings met by the showbags we got! I had sooo much chocolate and lollies. Sorry baby, back to eating healthier next week!
This was a beautiful week to remember letting go and having trust in the process. The thoughts of “what if this pregnancy isn’t viable” had filtered in quite a number of times up until seeing the heartbeat, but I’d always manage to move through those feelings. Mark and I constantly say that we can get through anything, and I think because we embraced the unknown and chose to live in a positive mind frame that it made seeing the heartbeat even more rewarding. What a wonderful week. The best one yet!