How to Support Breast Cancer Awareness All Year-Round by Emily K
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz
Breast cancer is most often associated with the month of October, otherwise known as Breast Cancer Awareness month. With all the companies who help to donate funds, all the charity events created, and all the support people show, millions and millions of dollars are raised every October for breast cancer research. October will always be the most popular time of the year to show breast cancer awareness but with statistics showing that12% of women are bound to get breast cancer in their lifetime, it’s important that we continue to show our support throughout the year.
Share Your Story
If you’re a survivor, a current fighter, or have known someone who has suffered from breast cancer, simply the act of sharing your story will help bring awareness to the cause. Sharing your story online or to the people around you will help bring inspiration and hope to those currently fighting breast cancer or other difficult-to-treat illnesses. Using online forums, support groups or any kind of social media platform is a great gateway to help share your story.
Get Screened
Breast cancer awareness month is normally the most popular time for women to remember checking themselves for any signs of breast cancer and getting a mammogram. Even after October has passed, it’s imperative that you remember to keep checking yourself. Depending on your age, the amount of times you should get a clinical exam will vary but you should make an effort to give yourself a monthly self-check. With phone usage being as popular as its even been, you can do this by simply downloading a self-check app. Breast cancer foundation, Keep A Breast developed a Check Yourself! App, which gives you step-by-step guidance on how to accurately check yourself for any signs of breast cancer.
Organize a Charity Event
Just because breast cancer awareness month is over doesn’t mean that you can’t still help raise funds for research. There are many avenues for how to host a charity event. Some of the most popular ways are through charity runs or bake sales in which a portion of the profits are donated to a breast cancer foundation of your choice. A fun kind of event to organize is a girl’s night. The theme can be up to you and can be ranging from organizing a paint night to home shopping to throwing a dinner party. No matter what the theme is, hosting a themed girl’s night is a great way for women and moms to enjoy a night out, have some fun and spend money going towards a good cause.
Support a Fighter
With over 3.1 million women with a history of breast cancer in the U.S., it’s important that we show our support for anyone we know currently fighting or have fought through breast cancer. A great way to show your support can be threw an act of kindness. This can be done with volunteering at a hospital, taking a current fighter out for a day of shopping or buy clothes and/or accessories that will help fighter’s through their continuous fight. This can be by buying hats that provide full head coverage or purchasing supportive bras that will help provide comfort post-surgery. Whatever the gesture may be, showing an act of support will be greatly appreciated by everyone who has ever been affected by breast cancer.
How do you plan to show your continuous support breast cancer throughout the year?