You're Invited to a Q&A with Teresa, Sarah and Author Eve Rodsky


In these unique times we are excited to invite you to join us for a virtual Q&A conversation with Eve Rodsky as she illuminates the need to re-establish our values and provides tools to clearly define roles and expectations to divvy up the workload fairly and communicate with grace and generosity.

If you don’t already know Eve Rodsky and her book FAIR PLAY we are thrilled to introduce you in our first ever FREE online webinar Q&A.

In Eve’s New York Times bestselling book FAIR PLAY, she uses her Harvard Law School training and years of organizational management experience to create a life-management system to help couples both rebalance all of the work it takes to run a home and reimagine their relationship, time and purpose.

Eve Rodsky is working to change society one marriage at a time by coming up with a new 21st century solution to an age-old problem: women shouldering the brunt of childrearing and domestic life responsibilities regardless of whether they work outside the home. 

Join us May 14, 05:30 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada) We can not wait to connect with all of you! If you have any questions for Teresa, Sarah or Eve to submit ahead of time please send them to or DM us on @yourzenmama.
