10 Tips to Maintain Wellbeing and Happiness During Pandemic by Scott Matthews
Although the global COVID-19 pandemic has us worried for the safety and health of our loved ones and ourselves, its influence goes much deeper than that, which wasn’t immediately apparent during the first couple of weeks. It pretty much affects every aspect of your life, from the way you socialize to the most mundane things, like going down to the nearest store and picking up whatever you need for your family.
According to research, quarantine affects us psychologically as well, with a whole spectrum of possible health concerns, ranging from lack of sleep, anxiety, depression, or even PTSD. While you may necessarily be in quarantine, social distancing and spending more time at home can also impact you in a big way, which is why you should take all the necessary steps to protect the wellbeing and happiness of yourself and your family during the pandemic.
Here are 10 ways in which you can do that.
1. Read Books
Because of limited socializing and traveling options, spending time with your spouse and children is a great way to catch up, but after a while, you will need some time for yourself, as well as to distance yourself from the usual mom and wife duties. Books are just about the best way to do that, because they engage your imagination and let you experience new places without ever leaving the comfort of your home. Now is the time to catch up on those classics you have missed out on. If that seems like too much of a chore, as if you are writing a college paper, there are plenty of interesting books online which can occupy your mind for a few days.
2. Adopt Healthy Habits
When spending most of your time at home, it’s extremely easy to pick up bad habits, as well as a few extra pounds along the way, especially when watching movies or binging your favorite TV shows. You should definitely do the opposite and start developing good, healthy habits. There is plenty of evidence that suggests that exercise, among a bunch of other things, can have a positive effect on depression as well. Besides, now you don’t have to spend money on expensive gym memberships or waste time in traffic just in order to work out. You can do it in your living room or backyard. Exercise is especially beneficial if your work is sedentary, such as that of an essay writer, developer, or digital marketer.
3. Take an Online Course
Lots of places online are offering free courses for new subscribers during the pandemic, which represents a great way for you to expand your knowledge, skills, and perhaps even set the foundation for your future career. There is pretty much a course on anything out there, from digital photography, coding, SEO, writing assignment help, cooking, painting, sewing, and so on. All it takes is an hour or so of your time each day.
4. Binge Your Favorite Movies and TV Shows
While you should definitely strive to be more healthy and productive during these difficult times, you should also unwind and indulge in binging your favorite content. Sure, the production of new TV shows and new seasons of your favorite ones has stopped, but there are plenty of others you haven’t discovered yet. Plus, there is plenty of choice around when it comes to streaming platforms, ranging from Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, to Disney+, Apple TV, or HBO Go.
5. Write
Even if you don’t have any aspirations to become a writer, writing is still a great way to express your thoughts and emotions, and during the pandemic, it can even be therapeutic. Besides, there are different kinds of writing, which means you can do anything from keeping a journal, blogging, writing for some of the editing services online, or even discovering the long lost art of writing letters to your friends. There is no wrong way to do it.
6. Take Advantage of YouTube Tutorials
YouTube can be a huge waste of time, or a true goldmine of useful information, courses, and free tutorials. For instance, there are plenty of beauty vloggers which upload detailed tutorials on how to do your own professional makeup, hair, nails, or just about anything beauty-related. Even more interesting are the DIY channels and tutorials which enable you to create small works of art from seemingly ordinary household items. On top of that, it’s a great family activity.
7. Clean Your Home
You know that feeling of frustration when your house is never clean or tidy as you want it to be, just because you don’t have enough time to do everything from cleaning the bathroom to making sense of all the clutter in your drawers. Well, now you have all the time in the world, which means you can detail your home, and after you are done, you will feel much more motivated, happy, and productive. At least for a few hours, until the kids decide that it’s playtime.
8. Curb Your News and Social Media Consumption
While it’s absolutely essential to stay on top of all the latest COVID-19 news and announcements that might help you protect your family better, taking absolutely everything in can do more harm than good, especially on social media. Fake news, wild conspiracy theories, and just plain negativity can actually make you feel even worse, which is why it’s best to limit the amount of time you spend on social media, as well as the number of pages, groups, and people you follow.
9. Get Out of the City if You Can
If possible, you might want to consider leaving the city for a while and go either to the countryside or to the sea. Changing your surroundings alone can work miracles for your mental and physical well-being, and enjoying a new, eye-catching scenery can kick things up a notch even further. In addition to that, you will step away from the hectic life in the city, as well as huge crowds, which can only be a good thing.
10. Reconnect with Your Friends and Family
Digital communications make it possible for us to reach each other wherever we are. Right now is the perfect time to reach out and reconnect with friends and family members you haven’t talked to in a while. While you may not be able to see each other in person, you can message each other, talk on the phone, or make use of apps like Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, FaceTime, or just about any other app which will enable you to see your loved ones on video.
Apart from implementing all the stuff we have laid out in this article, it is important to remember not to beat yourself up over small things, as well as to take things one day at a time. Stay safe, and take care of yourself and your family. Good luck!
Scott Mathews is an experienced blogger and writer for numerous essay paper and custom essay service places, and dissertation writing services. Apart from writing, he enjoys spending time in nature as often as possible and hanging out with his friends and family.