5 Simple Acupressure Points to Calm and Care for Your Mind and Body

We know that having a balanced mind and body is important for our health and well- being. But with busy schedules and long to-do lists, we can often find ourselves feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, tired, or just a little off. Using acupressure points on ourselves can be a great way to take a moment to calm and care for our mind and body, while re-balancing our body’s energy.

According to Chinese Medicine, we have energy channels (meridians) running through our body. Along these meridians, there are hundreds of acupressure points that each pertain to a specific organ and function in the body. Anytime we experience unwanted symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, anxiety or seem to always be catching a cold, this can be symptoms of imbalance in the body. By applying pressure to specific acupressure points, we can help to re-balance our body's energy and activate the parasympathetic nervous system that is in charge of relaxation.

Here are 5 simple acupressure points that are easy to implement into your self-care routine.

1. YinTang


YinTang is a popular point to use by acupuncturists as it can relieve stress, ease tension and anxiety, calm a busy mind, and help with relaxation and sleep. It is located between the eyebrows. Using one or two fingers, gently massage this point in a clockwise motion using light to medium pressure, or stroke this point in an upward sweeping motion. Close your eyes, take 5 deep belly breaths, and notice how your mind begins to relax. Pause and repeat three times before moving on to the next point.

2. LI4 (Do not use this point if pregnant)


LI4 can be a powerful point to help the free flow of energy in the body, boost our immune system, and relieve pain such as headaches and muscular aches. It is often a tender point and is located between your thumb and forefinger, on the highest point that is formed when you squeeze the two fingers together. Massage this point with medium pressure while taking 5 deep belly breaths. Pause and repeat 5 times before moving on to the next point. Please note that this point should not be used if pregnant (unless in active labor).

3. LR3


LR3 can be used whenever we feel tense or frustrated as it balances our emotions. It can also help with fatigue as it can nourish the blood and balance our hormones. This point is located on the top of your foot. Place your finger between your first and second toe, running it up until just before you reach a bone that naturally stops your finger. Press and hold with medium pressure or massage it gently while taking 5 deep belly breaths. Pause and repeat three times before moving on to the next point.

4. SP6 (Do not use this point if pregnant)


SP6 is one of the most common points to use for treating women for gynecological, emotional, or digestive issues. This point can help to strengthen our liver-, spleen- and kidney energy, nourish the blood and yin energy, and calm the mind. It can also help to move stagnant energy (often from emotional stress) and remove what in Chinese medicine is known as “dampness” - that often can make us feel sluggish, fatigued and brain fogged. SP6 is located on the inside of your leg, one hand width from the highest point on your ankle, just off the tibia bone. This point is often very tender. Press and hold with medium pressure or massage it gently clockwise while taking 5 deep belly breaths. Pause and repeat three times before moving on to the last point.

5: KI1

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KI1 is the perfect point to use while giving yourself a lovely foot massage. It is a grounding point that can help to calm your mind and relieve anxiety. Located on the soles of the feet, where the two lines meet in the middle. Focus on your breathing and massage for as ever long feels comfortable to you.

Try these acupressure points whenever you feel the need to calm and care for your mind and body. They can be used as a sequence starting at 1 and ending at 5 (helping the energy to flow down - leaving us feeling calmer), or individually. Please keep in mind that using these points should never be painful or cause discomfort. Always listen to your own body, never do anything that feels wrong to you, and seek professional advice if you're struggling. Remember to be kind to yourself and allow plenty of time for self-care to support yourself feeling balanced, calm, and full of energy.

Tori Gabarro is an acupuncturist, wellness coach, yoga instructor and founder of Yinmama.co
She lives in Norway with her husband and three-year-old son, and is passionate about inspiring women to calm and care for their mind and body through self-care, yoga and mindfulness.
You can connect with Tori here