9 Healthy Eating Habits for the Littles by Tania Ahkin

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From the moment you find out you're pregnant, you automatically start to think of your baby's needs as your own. We desperately want the very best of our babe’s and once they start weaning and starting solids, the adventure of exploring food starts.

Keeping your kids interested in healthy food takes preparation and know-how and I’m here to teach you now, so let’s dive in!

These 9 tips I have to share with you are not about how much veg you can hide into one meal. This actually doesn’t teach our little’s anything positive, rather we must show them exactly what they’re eating and explain to them why.

1. Be the example

I put this first for a reason, this is the holy grail mamas! Children learn by imitation so naturally if they see you eating a piece of chocolate or a handful of chips, they’re going to want it.

The more and more consistent you can be at making yourself a healthy meal, the more likely your bambinos will follow suit. I’ve found this to be what’s worked for me and other mama’s the most.

2. Don’t baby their food

What I mean by this is if you’re eating a salad for lunch, give them a salad too! Yes, they will most likely not eat it the first few times you serve it to them, however follow tip 1 above and stay consistently looking after yourself and you’ll start to see changes in your babes eating habits.

3. Cook one meal for the whole family

I’ve never cooked separate meals for each family member, this was always a non negotiable for me. Even if your child doesn’t like a particular vegetable, still serve it.

Which brings me to my next point…

4. Let them eat intuitively

If your child doesn’t like a particular food, there’s no need to force them or create punishments or bribes. They often will eventually try a certain food, but the key is to keep putting it on their plate. One day they will surprise you and try it! They may even like it.

If they’re not hungry, that’s ok, trust that they know best for their body.

5. Gratitude

Teach your little’s to be grateful of the abundance of food that’s been lovingly placed in front of them.

The attitude of gratitude will help shape their relationship with food to be a healthy one by acknowledging it as a blessing in their life, treating it as one and not to abuse it.

6. Don’t use food as a reward, punishment or bribe

This teaches your child to use food as a way to treat themselves or punish themselves once adults, which can create disordered eating.

7. Get them helping in the kitchen

Kids love getting involved with what mama’s doing. So why not get them chopping the veggies for you.

They’re more likely to want to try what they’ve helped prepare. Talk about the veggies you’re using in the meal and how they benefit your body.

8. Make it fun

We once told my daughter she was eating a ‘lettuce biscuit!’

Use fun words and colours to make it more attractive.  Unicorn smoothie or space juice are some other examples.

9. Eating together

Sitting together as a family during your meal can bring positive eating habits and experiences with food. Talking and sharing without t.v or other distractions is a great way to teach the kiddo’s healthy eating habits.

Creating healthy habits around food while the kids are still little is perfect as this is the time they are absorbing everything you do and say!

If you’re thinking that your child is old and it’s too late, don’t! Kids are so adaptable but it does take consistency and strength to stick to it. These habits can last a lifetime and help them through their journey with food.

Tania is a mum of two girls, 4 and 1. She’s a certified health coach and is passionate about helping burnt-out mamas elevate their energy, take more time for themselves, and feel happy and healthy through diet and lifestyle changes. She’s available for consultations via Zoom, from anywhere in the world. Follow Tania here.