Baby Led Weaning by Riddhi Verma

*(All characters are fictional)

Once upon a time, Sarah and John became first-time parents to their beautiful baby girl, Lily. As Lily grew older, they realized it was time to introduce solid foods into her diet. They heard about Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) and decided to research it further.

After discovering the benefits of BLW for both babies and parents, they observed Lily showing
interest in their food and quickly decided to try it. Sarah and John offered Lily age-appropriate finger foods such as soft, creamy avocado, tender steamed carrots, and sweet, ripe banana slices. They made sure to avoid foods that could pose a choking hazard. BLW was the perfect fit for their family, and they experienced incredible benefits that made mealtimes more enjoyable. BLW allowed Lily to participate actively in family meals, creating a stronger bond and fostering a sense of togetherness. It promoted Lily's independence and self-confidence, helping her develop fine motor skills and explore different textures and tastes at her own pace. BLW also encouraged a healthy relationship with food, as Sarah and John trusted Lily to listen to her hunger and fullness cues, allowing her to decide how much she wanted to eat.

Additionally, BLW brought joy and adventure to their mealtimes. Mealtimes became a time of
exploration and excitement for the whole family. Sarah and John appreciated the safety precautions that came with BLW, always supervising Lily during meals and ensuring a safe environment to explore her food. In the end, BLW proved to be a wonderful experience for Sarah, John, and Lily. They treasured every moment of their BLW journey.

Every family is different, so it's essential to consider your baby's developmental readiness, consult with healthcare professionals, and trust your instincts as parents when deciding if BLW is meant for your family. However, for Sarah, John, and Lily, BLW was the perfect choice, and they highly recommend it.

Baby-Led Weaning, or BLW, introduces solid foods to your baby, focusing on independence and exploration. Instead of spoon-feeding purees, BLW allows your baby to take control of their meals and feed themselves from the beginning. There are both benefits and drawbacks to this approach.

One of the critical benefits of BLW is that it encourages independence and helps develop fine
motor skills. By exploring and feeding themselves, babies learn how to care for their needs and become more self-sufficient. Additionally, BLW promotes healthy eating habits by allowing babies to listen to their hunger and fullness cues. This can help develop a healthy relationship with food and teach babies to eat according to their appetite.

Another benefit of BLW is that it involves the whole family in mealtimes. Including your baby in family meals creates a sense of togetherness and allows them to observe and learn from others. Additionally, BLW exposes babies to various flavours and textures, which can help develop a diverse palate and reduce picky eating.

However, some drawbacks to BLW should be considered. One potential risk is extreme gagging which can often be misunderstood as choking - as babies feed themselves and may not yet have the necessary skills to handle certain foods. It is vital to take appropriate precautions, such as offering safe, age-appropriate foods and closely supervising meals, to minimise choking risk.

Extensive research has demonstrated that babies who practice Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) do not risk choking more than those who are traditionally weaned. Additionally, BLW can be messy as babies explore and handle their food, which may require extra cleaning and preparation.

Another potential drawback is that some babies may initially eat less food as they learn to self-feed. This can be a concern for parents who are used to traditional spoon-feeding and measuring portion sizes. With BLW, babies decide how much they eat, which can worry some parents who want to ensure their baby is getting enough nutrition.


Riddhi Verma Ayyagari is a child nutritionist & BLW expert. Through her personal sessions, Riddhi has helped 2000+ families with starting solids & reversing picky eating in babies and toddlers. Riddhi has growing 75k+ strong Instagram community of parents.

Instagram ID - @babyledweaningindia 

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