Birth Story by Sylvieanne

A 33 year old mum of two from the Pacific Northwest. Here’s my second birth story..

My first babes (Easton) was pretty seamless. Don’t get me wrong- it was painful but NOTHING compared to my second baby Lumen.

My doula/ sister (a nurse midwife) and I did everything leading up. Membrane sweeps (unlocked another level of sisterhood), stretches, meditation and walks.

At induction we continued the work- I’d like to add, we brought everything from my house to hospital room- lights , music, oils. I also shut off the lights immediately! I think a lot of mums don’t realize you can deck out your room. Make yourself a den!

We started with breaking my water in the am. Lots of nipple stim via pump and cuddles with my hubby. We also did some stretching. The most memorable pose was the forward leaning inversion- I was basically upside down with my legs on hospital bed. I remember feeling very powerful and positive in that moment. We tried backwards facing on the toilet (not my fav). Later in the evening (well past the hour everyone predicted she’d be out) I started we started the pitocin… HOLY HELL. The contractions were so different from my first babe. The pitocin felt like a like a light switch on and off compared to ocean waves. I felt out of control of my body . I found my way to the hospital bed feeling defeated. I look back and this was probably that transition that we all know…I watched my birth recently and I was screaming on the top of my lungs/ grunting like an animal- just like they do in the movies - My midwife became concerned about babies D cells and basically physically helped me to 10cm. I pushed for a few hours and Lumen finally came earthside healthy and beautiful.

It’s not overly dramatic but shines a light on something that I’d never considered — your 2nd baby isn’t always easier. In fact, she was extremely hard. Ten months later I’m proud of my journey and I wouldn’t change it for anything- just maybe the 39 weeks of vomit hehe.


Hi! My name is Sylvieanne and I’m born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Before I came the at home coordinator of two babes under four I worked in the Oregon wine industry. After that ten year adventure I decided to be with my babes until they go into kindergarten. I love hiking, thrifting, cooking and learning how to sew. My favorite “mom time” escape is listening to a pod or book while walking my neighborhood. I take my coffee with a splash of oat milk and I so no to pineapple on pizza.