Community Post: Pregnancy Nausea
Pregnancy nausea / Morning sickness is a common experience for many women, for some it may be slight and barely there, it might hit you like a high speed train and then magically disappear after the first trimester but for some mamas it may last the wholeeeeeeee way through your pregnancy consistently at peak nausea or in ebbs and flows. We put the call out to our amazing community to compile a list of nausea tips! These however don’t cover the extremes of HG (HG mamas are next-level-incredible) but we do have some articles on HG here, here and here.
Please feel free to add to the conversation and share your pregnancy nausea tips and experiences in the comments!
SARAH: Well the first thing I always like to say is that I had a lot of night sickness and not morning sickness. It’s funny how it’s called morning sickness because it can happen at any point during the day. I experienced first trimester nausea in all three of my pregnancies. I think the worst was when I was pregnant with my second child but my third was pretty bad too. I got really good at avoiding places that would trigger my nausea (the grocery store has waaaay too many crazy smells) when someone in our house made food with onions or garlic I had to leave the room. I could eat them but I couldn’t smell them. I had sensitivity to so many things but some of my fixes were: eating snacks thought out the day of nuts/ cheese/ salty crackers and sparkling water or ginger ale. I liked drinking ginger tea too and smelling peppermint helped. It was worse for me at night when I would go to bed so I would try to make sure I had a little snack before bed and plenty of water.
Once I hit 13 or 14 weeks every single time the clouds lifted and I felt so much better.
TERESA: Morning sickness can be such a doozy to navigate. You’re feeling so excited about the prospect of being pregnant one minute and then feeling railroaded by feelings of nausea the next! I didn’t suffer with MS too much in my pregnancies, it would come here and there and I think between my 4 pregnancies I only puked once. My tips are to have snacks on the ready, salty foods in particular and eating smaller amounts frequently. Friends of mine suggest ginger candies and I also think if possible limit the amount of daily activity you’re doing, keep it close to home and comfort, can you work from home? Take a walk around the block to get fresh air and try not to lie down after eating. Keeping very hydrated is also going to help! Remember it should disappear further along in your pregnancy, you got this mama!
@sage.annie.16: Fresh lemon, ginger, cucumber and mint infused water
@andie.toyne: Frozen coke, McDonald’s fries, sea sickness bands and faith that it won’t be forever
@mombod.n.babies: B6 and Unisom
@wholeyfork_: Salty buttermilk
@shelbykorzeniowski: Morning sickness wristbands
@huntedhomeandvintage: Glacéd ginger
@moodybunny: Bonjesta is the only thing that worked for me
@danielle_lynch27: Ginger tea
@jac__white: Sour patch kids
@becky_summerville: Frozen oranges
@siskobollinger: Seaband
@jlm444: Lemon anything!
@butler9699: Fruit tingles and lifesaver lollies
@hannahhodgen: Watermelon and ginger tea
@nic_fer: Sleep, rest, carbs!
@naturopathicwisdom: Small meals often
@ohpeeweeeee: B6 and ginger tea
@reachalice174: Ginger Altoids, kind of hard to find but they work!
@laurayjames: I had to keep eating little bits all day. For me, an empty stomach meant more sickness!
@donna_may89: Polo’s or mints, cereals, sleep
@mariannapalka: Eating small amounts every hour so something is always in your stomach
@beccamurph: Anything sour. Tart fruit, sour candies.
@tash_love3: Drinking ginger tea helped me tons! I had morning sickness for 7 months of my pregnancy.
@withlove_cristina: Cup of tea, apparently a little caffeine can help and it really did for me!
@britt_glenn: Pickle juice - salty cravings and sickness slayed in a few sips!
@annalindagreen: Ginger
@swright22180: Aromatherapy! I used to keep grapefruit peels in my purse haha
@light_of_mylife: Eating a full snack!
@_claragc89: Water with lemon
@sacimata: Smelling peppermint oil, it was the only thing that helped me!
@claireplant: Very very thin, very very cold celery sticks! And frozen coke / slushees
@nicole_rass: A big breakfast! Always eat immediately upon waking. Eat what you can stomach
@sophsuzannebramley: Weleda Nausyn drops!! They are amazing!
@megan.rose.sanford: Chinese herbs from trusted acupuncturist
@jenni.marie_h: Increase protein
@maryxxstuart: Ginger and lemon tea
@lillajwells: Fruit tingles (The sour fizzy lollies from Aus)
@chelsdun_: Vegemite toast
@jasminemorganryan: White pepper with my girl and peppermint with my boy
@clairalaaa: Home made ginger and lemon gummies and nut bars
@daniellejade99: Twiglets and raw carrot sticks, I was sick for 5 months nonstop until I found that that worked!
@lovesian: Never have an empty stomach, try snack a lot to avoid the nausea coming on (dry snacks!)
@lalaamami: Fresh ginger tea before sleeping
@eliza_bryan: Chocolate milk
@mrsamandamott: Prenatal vitamins taken before bed with a small snack, not during the day