Dealing with Postpartum Acne? Follow These Tips!

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It’s no secret that your hormones are greatly affected throughout the course of your pregnancy. Because of this many expecting mothers tend to endure changes in their bodies in the nine months they carry their baby. Everything from aches and pains, weight gain, stretch marks, and overall discomfort are some of the many shifts that are typically experienced throughout this time on account of unbalanced hormones. And, unfortunately, these fluctuations and bodily changes do not abruptly end post-delivery. 

Instead, the transition from conception into the role as a new mom continues to be a rollercoaster for your hormones, which in turn, causes different responses from your body. Although every mother undergoes her own unique experience postpartum, issues related to their skin are arguably one of the most common. To be specific, acne breakouts are a normal concern for mothers throughout the course of their pregnancy, and especially after as their hormones continue to adjust. 

Luckily, unlike some of the other bodily changes that occur as a result of hormonal swings, dealing with postpartum acne is easily manageable. Just follow these tips!


Believe it or not, your diet plays a huge role in balancing your hormones and getting your skin in check. Sure, you may already be aware that food with a high glycemic index (bread, rice, pasta, etc.) and other sugary, processed foods can raise your blood pressure and increase your hormones, but do you know which foods can serve to support your postpartum acne?

A postpartum diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables can work wonders on your post-pregnancy acne as they provide antioxidants that work to fight off free radicals that are responsible for triggering inflammation in the skin. Additionally, a postpartum diet that has natural sources of beneficial probiotics such as yogurt, pickles, and kombucha can improve gut health by colonizing your intestines with good bacteria.

That being said, make an effort to get creative in the kitchen post-pregnancy, so don’t be afraid to try out some new recipes! Embracing a healthy diet can not only be beneficial in improving your complexion, but also beneficial to your mind and the rest of your postpartum body. By picking up this lifestyle habit, you’re bound to get back to feeling like yourself in no time!


Depending on whether or not you’re breastfeeding, the types of skincare products you’ll want to use to treat your postpartum acne may vary.  For those of you who are, or are planning on breastfeeding, using topical acne treatments will almost always be safe to use when you are breastfeeding, as they are found in minimal amounts of the bloodstream and breastmilk. 

However, there are a few factors to be considerate of, namely: the types of ingredients formulated within the product, and the percentage strength of active ingredients found within the product. Retinol, for example, is an active ingredient that is generally not recommended for those who are breastfeeding as it has been linked to certain birth defects and is unhealthy for your baby to consume through breastmilk. But, for those of you who aren’t breastfeeding, retinol can be an extremely powerful way to treat blemishes and maintain a clean, clear complexion postpartum.

No matter what method you choose to feed your baby, when it comes to safely care for your skin, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Regardless if you are or aren’t breastfeeding, it’s still a good idea to schedule an appointment with a certified skincare professional first. Seeking out their guidance will offer you some insight on the most appropriate, dermatologist-recommended acne products to use on your skin and provide you with reassurance that your treatment method is both safe and effective for you and your baby.


Once you’ve determined which acne products are right to use on your skin, it’s time to focus on building a daily skincare regime. Setting and sticking to a regimen is critical to achieving visible results as quickly as possible and keeping your acne breakouts at bay. Consistency has and always will be the key in the skincare world as most products, specifically, ones containing active ingredients, require constant use in order for them to work in the way they’re designed to.

Because you have likely invested in an anti-acne product(s), chances are, the treatment contains some sort of active ingredient. This means that in order to overcome postpartum acne, it’s absolutely essential that you follow the same routine day in and day out. Despite the fact that everyone’s routine should be personalized to their skin type and particular concerns, there are a few basics you should remember when curating your postpartum skincare routine. Those being, a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF.

Use a gentle cleanser that adequately removes makeup, dirt, and other impurities, without jeopardizing the state of your skin. Dry, flakey skin is another common skin condition mothers experience during postpartum—two factors that can also contribute to acne development. Needless to say, it’s crucial that you use a cleanser that isn’t too harsh to use on your complexion when it’s in this state. 

After you’re done using this, follow up with your acne treatment, as well as an antioxidant serum to help treat blemishes and fight post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Finally, finish off with a replenishing moisturizer to boost skin radiance and a sunscreen or SPF product to protect your skin. Issues related to hyperpigmentation and melasma are other prevalent skin conditions you may experience during postpartum, so proper protection from the sun is a must.