How To Adrenalize Your Family From Day One By Tom Marino

Being a parent is no small challenge, as I discovered when my first child was born.    And as they grow into pre-teens and teenagers, every day is a challenge.  Getting off to the right start from day one is a key to success. 

One of the most daunting tasks for any business owner and father - like me - is taking on new responsibilities with nothing but fear of failure looming in the back of your mind.   I came across a stat that 1 in 10 dads experience postpartum depression.  The adjustment to becoming a dad at times can all feel quite overwhelming; however, if you're willing to step out from behind that comfort zone wall and trust yourself even amidst uncertainty then success will be yours! It's important not to dwell too long on mistakes made along the way – learning from them instead -- so we can remain focused on our goal: protecting those whom we hold dear while being present every day in their lives.

As a parent, you can't always predict the outcome of every situation. But don’t let that worry you! What matters most is how you respond and take responsibility for your choices. Parenting isn’t easy; it takes time to develop patience and understanding - but therein lies an incredible opportunity for growth as individuals and family members alike! Don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go according to plan – have some fun with it instead by finding ways to smile through each challenging moment. When we choose humility over frustration, learning triumphs above all else – transforming our lives into something extraordinary in the process!

New parents often feel like rookies on opening day, going into the unknown with a mix of fear and excitement. But I'm here to tell you that becoming a parent is an incredible journey—it's all about commitment from the very beginning!

Here are four tips for new parents starting off their journey: 

1. Always show up for your family - Your new family unit needs your support every step of the way, through the good times and bad. Being present is half the battle; let them know how much you care by being there for them.   Your family is like a team, and they need your help to reach their highest potential. Show them that you're in it for the long haul by always being there when times are tough - nothing says 'I care' more than standing strong alongside those who matter most!

2.  Do the hard work of parenting - Being a new parent is no easy task, but it’s essential to be willing to put in all the effort and time necessary. As they say, you reap what you sow!  Parenting isn't a walk in the park, but your efforts will be rewarded! Nurturing our little ones is an essential part of being a parent; they make us better people while making this world brighter with their presence!

3.  Trust the process – You will make mistakes along the way, but don’t get too discouraged; trust that your new family unit will grow together, even though the occasional hiccup. Your journey may have unexpected twists and turns but don't forget to trust the process - embracing these changes can create an even stronger family unit. Believe in your new beginnings, knowing that any bumps along the way are just helping you grow closer together!

4.  Learn from your mistakes and laugh at yourself - It's important to learn from our mistakes as we go along so that we can become better parents over time. This doesn't mean beating yourself up though! Parenting can be humbling, but that’s more reason to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously. 

Parenting is a unique privilege and offers new parents the chance to create memorable moments with their family. It's important to show up for your family, do the hard work, trust in the process, and learn from your mistakes when taking on this new role. While parenting can be challenging, these simple tips can help new parents feel more prepared and inspired to make parenthood an unforgettable experience! Remember, every moment is special – so appreciate it and enjoy it with new-found energy. With these four ideas put into action, new parents have the potential to lay down some serious groundwork towards joyful family memories. So, let’s start making these moments special today!

Tom Marino is a highly respected thought leader, success strategist, speaker, and author. After a period of personal transformation, he founded Monarch Life Coaching, LLC to help high achievers navigate seasons of transition by recognizing the power of their choices. His book, Bridge to Change, documents the simple process of transformation that he believes catalyzes greater appreciation and enthusiasm in our lives. He is the host of The Adrenalized Life Podcast. Tom works with people across the U.S. to help them overcome burnout and live adrenalized. Contact him by visiting, on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.