Pregnancy and Exercise with Taylor Walker Sinning

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After you receive that first positive pregnancy test, you start to question almost everything. Your Google search becomes extraordinary, and you may feel a bit overwhelmed. In those overwhelming moments, I want to encourage you to take a beat and shift your thinking to focus on all the things you CAN DO, like move your body daily, make healthy food choices and order a pizza when the mood strikes! I think the more we focus on the “can do’s”, the more positive the outlook is when the change comes.

I always tell my clients and followers that if you focus on four areas of your life while pregnant: exercise, nutrition, stress management and breathwork, you are setting yourself up for an enjoyable pregnancy. So today, I wanted to share a little more about the benefits of exercise, how to modify as your pregnancy progresses and a couple of moves to add to your routine. 

First off, why should you exercise during pregnancy?

The benefits for baby include everything from decreased risk of gestational diabetes and high birth weight babies to increased oxygen toxin exchange with mom as well as increased link to intelligence and gross motor development.

The benefits for the pregnant mother include everything from decreased pregnancy discomforts like lower back pain, improved regularity and sleep as well as links to shorter labors and decreased need for epidurals and surgical births. 

Now that you know the benefits of movement during exercise, what can you do to stay active?

The good news is that if you are experiencing a healthy, singleton pregnancy, most OB/GYN’s will tell you that is safe to continue to take part in anything you were doing prior to pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, you may simply want to modify by no longer laying on your stomach once you sprout a belly or near the end of the first trimester. Eliminating upper from lower body twisting like bicycle crunches and modifying planks and plyometric exercises. 

It is recommended that women take part in 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week. That can be broken down into any increments you choose!  Walking, swimming and dance are all awesome forms of cardio. Strength training throughout pregnancy is also just as acceptable and often encouraged. 

Try this little circuit on the next day you feel up for it! 

Perform each exercise back to back for 1 minute

Rest for 1 minute

Repeat the circuit three times

Equipment: Medium Range Dumbbells


Stand straight with your elbows bent to 90 degrees and your feet hip width apart. Bright your right elbow and left knee up. Repeat on the opposite side and keep repeating for the full minute. Use your diaphragmatic breathing and increase speed to up the intensity. 

Sumo Squat Curl

In this exercise you perform a plie and add an alternating biceps curl at the top.

Start with your feet a little wider than hip distance. When you bend your knees, your knees shoud track over your big toe, with your weight planted firmly into your heels. Inhale as you drop your hips down and bend your knees with your back flat. Begin to exhale, press your weight into your heels and engage your core by drawing in yand wrapping your TVA. Add a biceps curl at the top by bending your elbows and bringing one weight to your shoulder. You can alternate or perform a double biceps curl. 

Dumbell Swing

Feet should be a little wider than hip distance. Toes should be facing forward. Hold the dumbbells parallel to each other. Hinge at your hips until your chest is perpendicular to the floor. As you do so, swing dumbbells between your legs as you inhale. As you exhale, press through your heels, wrap your TVA and lift your pelvic floor as you swing the weights to stop parallel to the floor. 

If you want a step-by-step, any trimester program that will help you connect to your beautiful, changing, body, come give Taylor Walker Sinning Prenatal Fitness Program found exclusively on The Fitness App by Jillian Michaels. 

Taylor Walker Sinning is a fitness expert and creator of the Taylor Walker Sinning Prenatal Fitness Program on The Fitness App by Jillian Michaels | @taylorwalkerfit