Summer Meditation: Excerpt from Seasons of Sound by Julie Afsahi and Jessica Cross

Find a comfortable seated position and allow your body to settle into your most comfortable seated position. Close your eyes gently or soften your gaze as you tune into the rhythm of your breath. Take a few deep, nourishing breaths and allow your inhalations to fill you with a sense of lightness and your exhalations to release any tension.

As you settle into this present moment, bring your hands in front of your heart center in preparation for Pushpaputa Mudra. Open your palms, and maintain a connection between the outer seams of your pinky fingers to the heel of your hands as you create the shape of a bowl with your hands.

Now, as you hold this mudra, envision yourself seated at the foot of a field in full bloom filling your senses.

Imagine your palms full of luscious flowers and the vibrant energy of summer surrounding you. Feel the warmth of the sun's rays kissing your skin and the gentle breeze across your face.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, release any burdens or worries that may be weighing on your heart. With each breath, imagine yourself gathering the abundant blessings of summer, just like the gathered flowers that rest in your palms. Feel the joy and gratitude filling your being as you hold these offerings.

As you continue to breathe in this state of open-heartedness, visualize yourself extending your hands, gently releasing the flowers into the universe. With every breath in, express your deep gratitude for the beauty and abundance that summer brings. With every breath out, surrender to the flow of life, knowing that the universe will continue to provide and support you.

Stay in this moment of connection and surrender, allowing yourself to bask in the warmth and energy of the field of flowers. Feel the warmth of the sun infusing your entire being, igniting a sense of vitality and joy within you. Take a few more moments to simply soak in the sensations of summer and the nourishing energy of the Pushpaputa Mudra.

When you are ready, gently release the mudra, bringing your hands to rest in your lap. Allow a sense of peace and contentment to envelop you as you transition back into your day, carrying the essence of summer’s richness with you.

Journal on the following:
• What is one new experience or adventure you would like to embark on this summer?
• Describe a moment in nature during summer that brought you a sense of awe or wonder. • What are a few things you appreciate most about the longer days of summer?
• What are three simple pleasures you can savor and enjoy during summer?
• How does the energy of summer inspire your creativity and self-expression?


Seasons of Sound: Sound Healing for All of Life’s Seasons is a new book by Jessica Cross & Julie Afsahi. Drawing inspiration from nature’s four seasons and the sacred sound of Om, Seasons of Sound is a creative and indispensable reference for both home and group sound bath experiences.

Authors Julie Afsahi and Jessica Cross are leaders in the yoga teaching and sound healing community in Austin, Texas.

Julie Afsahi is a mother, gong therapist, yoga and mindfulness teacher, entrepreneur, and chronic illness warrior. Perpetually looking for ways to increase wellness and ease for all people, Julie co-founded and owns Soul Strong Yoga, a yoga and meditation studio and training center with an emphasis on accessibility. As a co-creator of Seasons for Sound, with a commitment to providing quality learning resources for others in the wellness space, Julie loves sharing her love for sound healing practices rooted in yogic and Buddhist philosophy. From a long lineage of teachers, Julie has a Master’s in Teaching and has written professional development resources for tens of thousands of educators across a wide array of fields. Find out more about Julie and her mindfulness, meditation, and yoga trainings on Soul Strong Yoga's website.

Jessica Cross is a passionate sound practitioner, yoga teacher, and meditation teacher. She's a former corporate marketer and events producer for several Fortune 500 companies who found peace in the practices of sound, yoga, and meditation early in her career journey. Jessica later founded Sound for Stress, which offers rejuvenating sound baths, immersive retreats, and comprehensive sound training programs. She has hosted hundreds of sound baths in person and online, and she finds deep fulfillment in sharing the gift of sound with others. Jessica is also certified in Restorative Yoga and is obsessed with helping others find rest in our ever-evolving modern world. She co-authored Seasons of Sound in hopes of fostering a sense of well-being and harmony through the transformative power of sound throughout the seasons of our lives. Find out more about Jessica and shop the Sound for Stress instrument shop at

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