The Mother Daze is LIVE

We are so so so so beyond excited to announce our podcast baby has been born and we can't wait to share it with the world! Episode one 'That Time We Decided to Make a Podcast' is now LIVE wherever you get your podcasts!

We hope you love listening to episode one as much as we enjoyed recording it, we can't wait to drop a new one each week! The Mother Daze has been such a special project for us to work on behind the scenes and we have all the butterflies today putting it out into the world and into your ears! We can't wait to share more as we continue along this journey together,  will be interviewing amazing guests, chatting about all sorts of parenting related things but also diving into all the random things we know and love like all things mysterious, true crime, ghost whispering, manifesting, spirituality, toxic friendships, sex, relationships, identity, overcoming adversity, A Discovery of Witches, Hollywood life and SO much more.

This podcast is not just for parents but for anyone in the daily grind! So please join us and spread the word. The best way you can support us is by listening, subscribing, rating, reviewing and sharing!! Thank you so much 

All our love, 
Teresa and Sarah xoxo