The Vital Role of a Postpartum Doula: Why It’s Essential in a Fast-Paced World by Danielle loizou

In today’s Western society, the postpartum period is often overlooked and undervalued. There is an unspoken expectation that new mothers should quickly return to their pre-pregnancy routines—whether it’s getting back to work, managing household duties, or simply “bouncing back” physically. This fast-paced approach can leave new mothers feeling overwhelmed, unsupported, and unprepared for the significant emotional and physical changes that accompany the arrival of a newborn. In contrast, many cultures around the world treat the postpartum period as a sacred time, emphasising rest, recovery, and the importance of community support. So, how can new mothers in Western cultures bridge this gap? One powerful solution is hiring a postpartum doula.

The Pressure to “Bounce Back”
Western culture often glorifies the idea of resilience and self-sufficiency. Mothers are frequently bombarded with messages that they should quickly regain their pre-pregnancy bodies, return to their careers, and smoothly integrate their new roles as parents—all within weeks of giving birth. This unrealistic expectation can lead to immense pressure and stress, contributing to feelings of inadequacy or failure when these goals aren’t met.

The reality is that the postpartum period is a time of tremendous physical and emotional change. Hormonal fluctuations, sleep deprivation, and the demands of caring for a newborn can make it incredibly challenging to meet these societal expectations. Without adequate support, new mothers may struggle with postpartum depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation.

Honoring the Postpartum Period
In contrast to the Western approach, many cultures around the world view the postpartum period as a critical time for rest, recovery, and bonding. For example, in traditional Chinese culture, the practice of "zuo yuezi," or "sitting the month," involves a period of 30 to 40 days where new mothers are encouraged to rest, eat nourishing foods, and receive support from family members. This practice is designed to help the mother recover from childbirth and establish a strong bond with her newborn.

Similarly, in India, the postpartum period, known as "jaappa," lasts for about 40 days. During this time, new mothers are cared for by their families, with a focus on rest, nutrition, and healing. These practices recognize the importance of giving new mothers the time and space they need to recover physically and emotionally.

In Mexico, the "cuarentena" is a 40-day period where new mothers are cared for by their families and community. This period of rest is seen as essential for the mother’s recovery and the baby’s well-being.

These practices highlight a fundamental difference in how different cultures approach the postpartum period. While Western culture often prioritises speed and efficiency, other cultures emphasize the importance of slowing down and giving new mothers the support they need to heal and thrive.

The Benefits of Hiring a Postpartum Doula
In Western communities, societal pressure to return to normalcy is high, hiring a postpartum doula can be imperative for new mothers. A postpartum doula provides personalised care, offering emotional support, practical assistance, and evidence-based guidance during this critical time. Doulas help bridge the gap between the need for rest and recovery and the demands of modern life. They empower mothers by validating their experiences, assisting with newborn care, and ensuring that mothers are nurtured and cared for as they adjust to their new roles.

With a doula’s support, new mothers can take the time they need to heal, bond with their babies, and transition into motherhood with confidence. This dedicated support system not only enhances the mother’s well-being but also positively impacts the entire family, setting the foundation for a healthier, happier postpartum experience and essentially a happier mother and family.


I'm Danielle loizou, I wear multiple hats as a doula, lactation consultant, certified birth educator (Hypnobirthing Australia) and the most important one, I’m a mama to 4 beautiful children. I have first hand experience through the fertility journey (as I’m an IVF mama), to pregnancy, postpartum and beyond. Going through these experiences myself and seeing so many other women on the same path, ignited a fire deep in my belly to change the way we transition through these important stages of our lives.

I have been supporting beautiful families around Adelaide for 5 years and am extremely passionate in helping them navigate pregnancy, birth and postpartum through education and support. I am down to earth, non-judgemental and honestly I usually become bffs with my clients. I deeply care about how mothers are birthing and going into their postpartum. I truly want nothing more than for mothers to feel empowered, supported and nurtured through their entire journey. Through this work I have co-created a beautiful space in Adelaide, Largs bay called “The House Of Mother”. A place to feel educated, empowered, and held. Our mission is to provide unwavering support to new mothers, guiding them through the transformative journey from pregnancy to postpartum.

You can find me at  
The house of mother- Prenatal and Postanatal Workshops - Largs Bay | | Instagram - @danithedoula_