Why Kids Push Hardest On Mum by Nicola Poole

Ever feel like as mum you cop the best and worst of your kids? That when their dad (or another family member) walks through the door their issues often fade away and they put on their best behaviour?

As mothers, we are our children’s soft-landing place. They push our boundaries like no other. They show us themselves at their lowest, sickest and ugliest. Some days this can be quite tough to handle though. Especially when you’re the one constantly going the extra mile to ensure their needs are met and see that they are happy. We can feel like we do so much for our children and often with little acknowledgement.

Rather seeing this as a form of punishment, how about viewing it as a compliment. They feel safe with you so can reveal their true selves. They feel less judged and more nurtured by you.

Instinctively as a child we believe that the one that birthed us into the world would never reject us. As a mother we need to be the safe place for our children to land. We need to keep our arms and our hearts open. If they can’t feel safe to express themselves with us, then how will they grow into well-adjusted adults?

By encouraging their honesty, we are giving them permission to be themselves. We are making it ok to express when they’re not ok. We can encourage expression rather than suppression.

This is imperative. Being a mum is such an important role, more than we probably realise. Embrace your children’s uniqueness and their flaws. Allow them to unfold and flourish in a safe environment where they feel supported.

Next time your little one comes to you in all their glory, rather than wish that someone else could also be privy to this side, view it as the privilege that it is. An insight into their inner self, their purity and their spirit. This is what needs to be celebrated.


With a belief that everything happens for a reason, Nicola trusts that we are given all we need to be able to handle any situation life throws at us. As a qualified Nutritionist, Spiritual counsellor and Parenting coach, Nicola is a devoted mum who values family and commitment. She is committed to providing others the very best possible care in order to achieve true wellness, so that they too can live the life they dream of.
Instagram: @wholistic_alignment