Postpartum VLOG weeks 7+8 baby Winter

What Week? 

Postpartum Weeks 7+8

How big is baby? 

14 pounds 4 ounces

Whats something new this week?

Watching Winter stay engaged for longer periods of time. 

Her two month doctors appt! 

Most challenging moment?

Working more and balancing life with the kiddos.  I think I have realized that scheduling too many things during day (even when working from home) for work can be very overwhelming this early on. It is hard to work in teeny tiny increments. I am someone who gets going on a roll and wants to complete a task. 

I feel so unorganized when I can’t finish a task. 

Something you loved this week?

We had our two month doctor appointment and it was so exciting to see how much Winter has grown! 

She is very TALLLL and quickly growing out of all her 3 month clothing. It was fun to watch her in our Doctors arms, She slept and then woke up and just stared at him the whole time. 

Mama time? 

I took some time to do my Every Mother workout and spent a Friday at home with Winter working on little projects while Eric took the kids to Malibu. While Winter was napping it made me feel so accomplished to get a few things organized. I also watched a show which felt like a luxury hahah The Queens Gambit is AMAZING. 

What am I eating ?

I am eating every few hours to try and stay nourished with all the breastfeeding. Nuts, cheese, crackers, hummus, eggs and veggies are all the snack foods I eat. We started eating Jackfruit and making jackfruit tacos and Jackfruit pot roast! If you have never tried it, its an amazing alternative to meat!

My body. 

Feeling good and strong! I really do think the time I spent resting my body early on has helped me so much with protecting my core and pelvic floor. I am now going to start incorporating some very small movement more often and see how I feel. 

Checking in.

Mentally I am feeling really good right now. The anxiety is there but I recognize it, acknowledge it and it hasn’t felt too overwhelming to me. 

My kids are doing well with their new sibling but I do see signs that Esmé is taking on a new role. She flips back and forth from being very maternal and helpful, to having these major mood shifts where she is very frustrated. I am not quite sure where it is coming from but my gut is telling me that she doesn't know how to express the frustration she feels (possibly surrounding the new sibling) and she isn’t sure where its coming from so it appears bizarre and out of nowhere when it happens. As we continue to navigate this new stage with her I will be sure and report back what is and isn't working in terms of helping her along the way. 



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