6 Reasons Why Journaling Is Important For Kids by Amanda Dudley

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Journaling is the process of writing down your thoughts and feelings. In a world where there is so much noise (and the current generation has a lot of things to say), not being able to voice your opinions can trigger depression. Journaling is a great way for your kids to get their feelings out. 

Kids love to say their minds in a free, non-judgemental environment. They are drawn to safe spaces. So, journaling is a great way for them to put down how they feel without fear. Journaling can help children solve issues, get creative, learn more about themselves, and it can also help make them a little less aggressive.

When kids have a safe space for their thoughts, they don't lash out at anything or anyone. Rather, they put their thoughts into words and write them down. What’s more, getting a journal for your kid may just activate the hidden writer in them. 

Daily journaling can help your kid to not accumulate feelings that they should let go of instead. As they make it a habit to write their daily thoughts, it is easier for them to have free minds and use journaling as a way to expel negative emotions. When kids journal, there are no rules. Your kid’s journals should be an avenue for them to express themselves. You’ll notice that they’d usually make their marks using glitter sticks, stickers, colored pens, highlighters or anything colorful they can find.

A journal can be used to share memories. It can also be used as a wish list, an art book or anything your kid chooses. Whatever the case, journaling for kids can be an early step towards building your kids’ self-confidence. However, don't go snooping around your kid's journal. If they find out that you do that, it’ll ruin the entire experience.

Once you want to start out journaling for kids, it could be a bit of a hassle. Using journal prompts for kids will be helpful. Journal prompts are simple statements used to inspire your kids on what to write about. Yes, journals should help them express themselves, but you don't want to raise loose cannons. This is why you have to guide them as they do that.

Here are some journal prompts for kids:

  • If I were an animal, I would be a/an…

  • If I were a planet, I would be…

  • My dreams are…

  • I am grateful for…

  • What I learned today is…

  • I am proud of myself for…

  • If I was food it would be…

  • One thing I should always do is…

  • One thing I should never ever do is…

These prompts can help your kid reveal their expressions and guide them in the right direction. 

Now, for reasons why you should get a journal for your kids, consider the following: 

Promotes Freedom of Expression

Your children need to trust themselves. If they develop this trust, they will be able to make better decisions as they get older since there would be no doubt in their minds. You can’t easily manipulate a person that trusts in themselves. 

One way for them to build that trust and confidence in themselves is by expressing their thoughts without being judged. What better way is there for this purpose than journaling?

Improves Kids’ Memories

Writing things down takes them out of the mind and onto the paper. With journaling, it’s not just any paper that can easily be thrown out; it’s a book. This book would serve as a physical memory stick for children whenever they revisit it.

A lot of adults don’t remember all the details of their childhood. That’s why for kids, journaling will help them remember the details of their early experiences in life.

Strengthens Writing Skills

Written ways of communication are vital aspects of academics. Kids who learn to write early usually have fewer issues in high school and college.

One way to fast-track your child's writing abilities is by encouraging journaling. As they say, "Practice makes perfect.” When your kid uses their journal, they flex their writing skills.

Improves Reading Ability

Comprehension is as important to reading as food is to the body. For kids, going back to read the things they have written in their journals helps them spot errors and make corrections. Journaling is a great way for your kid to read.

Even if your children aren’t bookworms, you can bet there are a couple of books they’d find interesting. What could be more interesting to a child than something they wrote themselves?

Encourages creativity and problem solving

Seeing solutions while others see problems is a necessary skill for success. Give your child journal prompts for kids that have problems in writing them and see how well they can proffer solutions to them. This way, you learn their strengths early on and help them channel these strengths properly.

Buy idea journals for your kids, let them write about things they feel could be done differently, and watch how a budding problem solver grows out of them.

Helps to see both sides of a story

Journaling aids critical thinking which is a necessary behavior needed for debates and argumentative essays. Critical thinking and assessment of both sides is such an important life skill. Whatever career path your child eventually decides to follow, they need to understand early on that every story has two sides to it. This approach will help eradicate biases from their minds.


Amanda Dudley is a teacher and a content creator at an essay writing service. She understands the intricacies of academic writing, so she writes flawless essays for students within the stipulated deadlines. The quality of her work speaks for her as she meets all of her customer's requirements.