How New Moms Can Delegate To Lighten The Load by Kristin Herman

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It’s only natural that as a new parent, you will find yourself spending as much time as possible caring for the newest member of your family. But all of that feeding, changing, bathing and nurturing, leaves little time for all of the other household tasks you may have breezed through before. Everyday chores such as cooking, vacuuming, laundry and garden work can really begin to mount up. Even getting out to the store to pick up essential supplies can be difficult.

Be Kind To Yourself

Those first few weeks of parenthood are a time of adjustment. It’s not unusual for new parents to be reluctant to ask for help and support because they don’t want to appear unable to cope. But it’s also likely that you have friends and family around you who have been through new parenthood themselves and are only too willing to offer a helping hand. Don’t be afraid to accept offers of assistance from trusted loved ones.

Have A Plan

It can be difficult to plan tasks when you’re feeling overwhelmed, but getting a schedule organised can make life a lot easier. “Consider asking a family friend or relative to help you get a plan together. Think about the strengths, skills and time commitments of the people in your support network when drawing up a To Do list” says Bailee Kutch, a psychology writer at state of writing

Errands And Grocery Shopping

Having someone you trust who is willing to run around and get all those little things that you may have forgotten or overlooked can be wonderfully helpful. Even better, someone who is willing to do a grocery shop or collect pre-ordered goods can really lighten the load for new parents.


Housework, such as mowing the lawn, vacuuming or loading the dishwasher and washing machine, can be taxing in the first few weeks when you’re recovering from giving birth. This is something that many family members will understand. Don’t be afraid to accept assistance with these household chores.


Planning and cooking nourishing meals from scratch for everyone can be a big ask with a new baby in the house. If possible, it’s a good idea to harness the cooking skills of someone you can rely on for the first week or two. You may find that many family members have a favourite dish that they would be willing to prepare for you on a regular basis. “They could each prepare these for a specific day on a rotating schedule. Or, if the meals are freezable, they can be made ahead of time in batches and frozen for ease of use” comments Alec Wilkinson, a lifestyle blogger at writing populist

Baby Sitting

This schedule can be really vital when considering baby sitting. Baby sitters are invaluable when you need to sleep or shower, for instance. It’s a good idea to create a list of any willing family and friends who volunteer for baby-sitting duties and the time and dates they’re available. This means you can call on them when they’re needed, without becoming too reliant on one person and risking them becoming overwhelmed.

Communication Is Key

Having a calendar that you, family and friends can refer to, will make things run more smoothly, ensuring that everyone knows what they are doing. Errands, chores and mealtime schedules can all be listed and shared among your support network. If you know someone who loves to organise, you could even delegate this to them. This could be written on a week-to-week basis and displayed prominently, or shared electronically. That way, everyone knows what he or she should be doing and this will reduce any confusion and ensure everything runs was smoothly as possible. When delegating tasks, clear communication is key.

Pulling It All Together

Finally, it’s important to realise that having a new baby is a life-changing event and that everything in your home may not run precisely as it did before for a while. The grass may grow a little taller. Dishes may stay in your sink a little longer. Chores may not be completed exactly as before. The most important thing is that you and your baby feel supported. You can use the methods  here to begin your journey.

Kristin Herman is a writer and editor at Top Canadian Writers and Study demic. She is also a contributing writer for online publications, such as Academized. As a marketing writer, she blogs about the latest trends in online advertising and social media influencers.