Acupuncture in Pregnancy by Dr. Bree Bennetts

First of all, let’s start with answering the most common question, “Yes, acupuncture is safe and effective during pregnancy”. There are so many wonderful and beneficial properties that acupuncture can provide for both baby and mumma. 

How does it work?

By focusing on tonifying a woman's Qi and blood flow to the uterus. There is a saying in Chinese medicine that goes, “if the Qi is correct and if the blood flow is circulating well, labour is described as harmonious”. 

What are the benefits?

Apart from being a drug-free option or relief for many conditions that would generally use medications, it provides support throughout all phases of pregnancy and even postpartum to give women better quality of life during a time that can be otherwise exhausting or traumatic. 

I generally break down the benefits into three categories:

1. Additional support for normal pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, sciatica and constipation. It is here where quality of life and her 5 emotions can be a primary focus.

2. Pre-birth acupuncture has an emphasis on softening the cervix, relaxing tendons, correcting breech positions, descending the baby into the pelvic cavity and easing any anxieties mother has. This has been clinically shown to improve labour progression and reduce chances of medical interventions eg. forceps.

3. During labour and birth acupressure points taught to midwives and birth partners can play an active role in further reducing medical interventions.

A general list of conditions that can be treated:

  • Nausea and morning sickness

  • Heartburn

  • Constipation

  • Varicose veins

  • Haemorrhoids

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Leg cramps

  • Fatigue

  • Anaemia

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety/depression

  • Vaginal itching

  • Itching in general (PUPPP’s)

  • Sinusitis

  • Pre-Eclampsia

  • Oedema

  • Small for dates babies

  • Breech positions

  • Induction

When to book in?

Trimester 1:

Weekly up to 12 weeks. This is an important phase of pregnancy for the first stages of development. It is here where support for general pregnancy symptoms and preventing miscarriage are given.

Trimester 2:

Treatments can be pushed out to fortnightly or monthly depending on individual needs. Regular treatments here can help prevent or maintain common pregnancy symptoms that arise such as hip pain and reflux.

Trimester 3:

Weekly between 32 and 36 weeks are ideal for turning and correcting breech babies. If the baby is already in optimal position then weekly treatments should start from 36 weeks onwards for birth preparation. 

Throughout my clinical experience I have seen how acupuncture not only increases a woman’s vitality and reduces her anxieties, but also holds space for her to connect to her womb and baby. Acupuncture allows you to focus on all areas of your health including the physical, emotional and spiritual. 

Dr Bree is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who has a passion for Women’s Health with a special emphasis in fertility and pregnancy. As a mother herself of a beautiful boy Ziggy, she understands and holds space for other women going through their own fertility and maternity journey.

Instagram: @drbree_tcm