Birth Story: Mathilde

At 41w+3 day, I got induced. We went to the hospital on a Thursday afternoon, and was given the Cerdivil. A couple of hours later and I had really really bad cramping from it, to the point where I was under a double jet hot shower shaking like crazy. We then called a midwife to get some pain killers and, as one of the routine checks for that (thank God), is to put the CTG on. She did that and 3 minutes later there were 8 people in the room, nurses, midwives and doctors, because the baby’s heart rate had dropped significantly and then disappeared for a few seconds. So everyone was doing scans and tests, someone was on the phone with my midwife, someone was getting the block ready.

Finally, they find the heartbeat, they are happy with how it looks and we are told they will monitor for an hour. One hour turns into 2, then 3 then 4. My partner and I try to get some rest. At that point, I’m thinking “jeez, I’m already exhausted and labour hasn’t even started!”. Finally, at midnight a doctor comes in and said that they are not confident enough with the baby’s heartbeat to make him go through 10 or more hours of labour, since at this stage my water still hasn’t broken and I’m not dilated whatsoever. So he goes “we are recommending a c-section cat 2, which means we want your baby out within the hour”. We were told to pack our bags, Ben had to scrub up etc and off to the block we went.

The worst part of all this for me was getting the spinal injection. The last thing I wanted was a needle in my back. I'll always remember that cold room, me shaking of both cold and fear, one nurse pushing down on my hips, the anaesthetist trying to do the injection and my midwife nearby trying to make me relax. Soon after that I laid down and Ben was brought in. The doctors started all their tests and checks, and someone briefed me on what was going to happen.

Lucky someone remembered to ask us if we had a playlist, and I was so glad I had taken the time to put one together. We turn it on and the doctors get started. First song was one of my favourite worship songs and it was magical. Second song was “I love you, always forever”, so special. Halfway through the third song, 1:15 am, I feel the obstetrician pushing on my stomach! Here he comes! Unfortunately our excitement got crushed when we didn’t get the typical baby lifted above the curtain and the baby was brought straight to the table. As expected the baby got a little bit distressed, there was some meconium in the water, and he had started swallowing + breathing some. As a result he had to be put on breathing assistance but he fought hard and by 9:30 am he was breathing on his own and we were able to have our skin to skin and breastfeed, which was amazing!

Mathilde, Mummy of Jack