Vacation Safety For The Summer by Roni Davis

Vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing experiences. You do not want to stress about any potential problem. Still, you need to have safety measures in place in case of unpleasant occurrences or the necessary preventive measures for unforeseen disasters. More so, when planning for that long-awaited summer vacation, keep these safety tips in mind:

Choose Your Destination Wisely
This is where all the planning begins. Whether traveling solo or with family and friends, you should be sure about where you are touring. First, narrow down the list of potential destinations, whether locally or internationally, and consider several key factors from an unbiased point of view. 

Look out for all kinds of data ranging from medical services in case of emergencies, culture, transportation, the local dialect, tourists reception by natives, etc. Simple methods to help you get all the safety information that you need is from:

  • The U.S. Department of State's Travel Advisories

  • Social media traveling groups

  • Offline referrals from friends, relatives, coworkers, etc.

  • Read legitimate unbiased blogs online

Reduce Chances of Getting Robbed
Choosing a safe travel destination is not enough to keep you safe. You also must ensure that you do not bring unnecessary attention to yourself, which may lead to you getting robbed. Here are some things to keep in mind when traveling:

  • Carry only necessary items, including documents, to avoid losing essential things

  • Blend in with the people you will be interacting with to avoid being an obvious target

  • Conceal essential items such as money or documents, whether in your personal bag or your hotel room.

  • Travel in well-lit areas and avoid dark, unfamiliar territory

  • Do not display a large amount of cash, especially when making purchases

Tell A Trusted Source of Your Whereabouts
Despite wanting to maintain privacy, you need to have a confidant who knows your whereabouts, especially if you are going on a solo trip. If your house will be left void while on holiday, it is necessary to let a trusted neighbor know so that they can alert you or the police in case of anything suspicious. They can learn how to assist or notify your family of your whereabouts in an emergency. 

We also understand that the excitement can lead you to expose your travel plans on social media platforms. You might think online friends are strangers and do not care what you post on your social page, but you will still find many malicious people on the internet, even those in your own neighborhood. Posting online reveals to these bad actors that your home is empty and vulnerable to break-ins. Wait until after you return home to share pictures and let your friends know how much fun you had.

Enhance Pool Safety
Pool safety is one of the crucial things we do not always consider since we assume that the professionals are there to take care of us. It is almost inevitable not to want to interact with a water body somewhere for fun, either on the beach or swimming pool. 

As you leave the emergency roles to lifeguards, your own safety is your responsibility. You need to offer close supervision if you bring the kids along for the vacation. Lastly, do not forget to wear protective gear to shield you from eye injuries.

Protect Your Skin
Besides the crazy high temperatures, the sun rays during the summer can be harmful to your skin. Long periods of sun exposure can cause you to develop painful sunburns and skin breakouts and increase the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, you need to take all the necessary measures to avoid all this by:

  • Applying sunscreen

  • Wearing the right summer apparel- sunglasses, hat, brightly colored long-sleeved shirt, bathing suit covers, etc.

  • Reapplying bug spray as directed

  • Hydrating to regulate your body temperature

  • Staying alert in case of heat-related illnesses like heat stroke, muscle cramps, etc.

Beware of Weather Changes
Despite the predictable scorching sun during the summer, the season also presents unpredictable severe weather changes. Some of these include; tornados, floods, and lightning. Therefore, as you plan to travel, ensure that you track the weather updates of the day. In the case of a severe weather forecast, do not hesitate to alter the dates until it is safe for you to be out there. However, if the weather changes by surprise while you are up and about, seek shelter immediately until it is safe for you to move. 

Have An Emergency Kit
Things can go wrong anywhere while you are traveling. For example, your car might break down if you take a road trip. How prepared will you be if that happens? Therefore, you must carry basic repair items and other car essentials to notify other motorists from afar that your car has stalled. It also has a first aid kit with a few things in the eventuality of motion sickness or an accident as you hang out.

The idea is not to scare you but to ensure that your safety comes first during your vacation. Always prioritize safety over everything else, and you will have peace of mind even as you have fun. 

Roni Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area. She frequently works with a number of legal clients, including The Villari Firm, a group of medical malpractice lawyers based in Philadelphia.