Finding Fulfillment in Work and Life by Morgan Kline

As the CEO and Co-Founder of  Burn Boot Camp and a mother of three young children, I'm frequently asked: How do you manage it all? It's a question that many women, especially moms, face. We strive to be super present with our kids, super productive during the day, and super successful at the office. The mental load can be overwhelming. There's no exact formula or perfect response I can offer; it all stems from within. I'm mostly looking for happiness and satisfaction, not a perfect balance, because frankly, I'm not sure that exists.

There are moments when my career demands a lot of me, and I feel the sting of guilt for not being at home. Those moments are sometimes bitter, but the sweetness of the homecoming balances them. The moments when I see myself reflected in my children. They learn from me, they see me working hard, they understand my why, and sometimes, they even pretend to be me. They are proud, even when they miss me. And truth be told, I love my work. Working makes me a better wife, a better mom, and a better friend.

I believe you're a great mom if you want to build a career. You're a great mom if you want to stay at home. You're a great mom, period. In our upcoming book, "Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Inner and Outer Strength,"  we emphasize living a fulfilling life by adopting the strategies we share. In the second strategy, "Believe," we delve into the impact of positive thoughts. Here are some tips on how I embody this:

1.   Surround yourself with people who lift you up  
Surrounding yourself with supportive family, friends, and loved ones who share your goals can provide the motivation you need, especially when times get tough. It's truly the essence of Burn Boot Camp – a second home where a community of like-minded individuals comes together, harnessing each other's positive energy to inspire and empower. We believe when you intentionally surround yourself with people who encourage and motivate you, you create a powerful support system that drives you toward happiness and success.

2.   Release unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves  
Placing unrealistic expectations on yourself as a woman and a mother can be so harmful, and sometimes, we don't even realize we're doing it. Demanding perfection from ourselves in every role we have inside and outside the home often leads to overwhelming stress, anxiety, and even burnout. The constant pressure, feelings of inadequacy, and self-doubt steal the joy and fulfillment of motherhood, friendship, and our work. It overshadows the moments that truly matter. I try to consistently give myself the grace I give others.

3.   Set clear boundaries 
I always try my best to protect my peace. For me, that means saying no to things that might stretch me too thin. From simple things like not looking at my phone before bed to big things like saying no to commitments when my kids need me. There's a saying, "Every time you say yes to something, you're saying no to something else." I want to make sure that the things I say yes to really serve a purpose, like my happiness and my family's happiness. I try to steer away from things that don't fill my cup.

We're juggling marriage, homes, meals, playdates, and our careers, and sometimes, it feels like we're not quite measuring up. But here's the truth: every healthy meal, every hug, and all those bedtime stories make a difference. You're doing an incredible job.

My hope is that you see this as a reminder to ask for help when needed. Let go of the unrealistic expectations you've set for yourself and acknowledge your efforts. It's so important to prioritize self-care. Really live the oxygen-mask philosophy. When we take care of ourselves, we become better moms, better wives, better humans. That's the goal we should all strive for. Just to be better every day."

Morgan Kline is the CEO of Burn Boot Camp. She has personally trained more than 5,000 Burn members. She lives in Charlotte, NC.