Held by Emma Watson

Pregnancy is such a time of transition and change.
It is a time where support needs to come in a variety of forms.
We are designed to "𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘥". To find our support but also become that support.

But how do we do this?

How can we be a really great support for someone during pregnancy? How can we truly hold those amongst us going through a time of transformation within themself but also their family.

  • ︎︎Be available: an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on.

  • Begin to talk and develop what the families support network might look like if they haven't- talk about how you may be able to help (coffee drops, grocery runs, household help, a safe space to turn to if they need it.)

  • ︎︎Don't overshare where not invited... don't feel the need to offload all of your own perceptions and experiences to this person just because they're not pregnant.

  • ︎︎Help the expecting Mumma to recharge and remember to self-care now and then... this could be as simple as a stroll in a beautiful place, a nice afternoon tea, a bath, a massage.

  • So much reassurance- at how amazing she is!!

  • Show interest and excitement in the pregnancy but don’t overstep! Give the family, couple, and woman space to experience things and share and bring you into these.

  • ︎︎Instead of asking if she feels ready, remind her of how capable she is to endure whatever lies ahead. She is ready for labour, birth, and recovery. She is strong. Remind her of these things.

  • ︎︎Indulge her with nutritious food!

This pregnancy support can also extend beyond those in our immediate circle- some families may have moved recently, some are a long way from home, some separated by physical barriers created by this pandemic.

These women need support too- offering a listening ear and reaching out to help in the simplest ways can still make the biggest difference 

Your support matters.
To feel held and supported through pregnancy matters.


Emma Watson is a Tasmanian based Midwife, Nurse and Childbirth educator, teaching Calmbirth amongst her local community. She is the founder of Seasons of Birth, an online platform she created to share knowledge and experience that will support and educate women and families to feel confident and prepared for pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. Seasons of Birth was created after I was able to see the power of knowledge and confidence in the birthing realm and noticing how much fear, stress and anxiety currently surrounded this. To empower women and remind them of their ability to emerge physically, emotionally, and spiritually well from this journey is what it is all about. Follow her on instagram @seasonsofbirth_