Knowing you need support or want support vs handing over your power by Leanna Hines

No body knows you and your baby better than you. Sure there may be people whom physiologically understand the birthing process more than you, whom know the birthing systems, who have seen and witnessed more births. 

But did we ever stop to think about the fact that women having been birthing in this world for longer than they have not, without a medical system? And if birth was so broken then how do we have the population size we have today? Now don’t get me wrong, we can be thankful for modern medicine and the medical system for the cases there is true emergency.  And still trust women over the system that has been build to undermine, control and manage the birth process causing more issues than it saves all while making profits on the back of trauma.

The more we pull apart a process we were maybe never meant to understand the more we can find things that don’t make logical sense, the more they can see stages, processes, little moments in time and attach a risk assessment. Deeply analyse and weigh up on how they can make “it work better”, reduce perceived risk all while ignoring the entire being, the entire body, the mother herself, her energetic initiation and rite of passage to birth. It all has a flip side, there are always two sides to the coin and women are (more often than not) sold the story of one side. The side of risk, of fear, of death, of coercion, they are sold this all in the name of profits and efficiency, control and big ego. The measure of the patriarchal system birth now seems to lie in. 

Modern medicine doesn’t and was never designed to support a healthy body to function as it was designed. Medicine was made to fix the problems, not root causes and we have become so far removed from our essence and understanding of the whole body, the whole system, the whole being. Birth was never a problem until we started to intervene with a process a man could not comprehend happen to a female body.  Follow the herstory of birth………. it’s a wild remembering. (link in notes)

Medicine introduced ways to SAVE women from themselves, their babies and birth when we never even needed saving, when all along all we needed trust, love, support and safety in our own beings, our own bodies. 

We are mammals and just like the image of placing a cat, dog, cow on their back and telling them when and how to birth their babies seems weird, wild and strange. Scanning infants in utero and tell the mama her baby is to big, to small, to this to that. This is where we have landed ourselves. This is the lie that has been sold through generations. That you mama don’t know what you are doing, that you mama must outsource that power of yours to someone whom knows better. 

This is a story that plays out throughout many aspects of our lives. Are you ready and willing to reclaim what lies within you, to truly remember all you are and more? To step fully into your Divine Feminine wisdom and strength? Reclaiming birth is where we start. Knowing you better, doing the in tangible energetic work, to create deep and profound change for generations past and generations to come.

Birth doesn’t work as it was physiologically designed in today’s day and age because of deep social and cultural conditioning, because of believes and ideas handed down through generations, because women have never been more disconnected from themselves and their bodies. We have been conditioned with the idea that birth is something we need to logical comprehend and understand. 

Well it’s all a lie. I have women who come to me with the idea that they don’t know how to give birth to their baby. Women whom have read every possible modern book on childbirth - can understand and logically comprehend the birth process but Mama you don’t give birth with your head. 

Your body is your medicine, it holds the keys to the labour you desire and deep down know you know to be true. Your body will give birth to your baby whether you understand it or not. 

It’s more a question of whether you have done the work to trust yourself, to lean back into your intuition, to reclaim the power you have handed over to others throughout the journey. To be the leader and divine weaver of your own birth journey. 

There is no right or wrong way to give birth it’s a magical dance between mum and baby. Each birth having it’s own story to tell. It’s own medicine and learning.  Do I believe every woman has the ability to birth at home on her own and in her power……… 100% YES!. Do I think this is right for every woman and every birth? Well that’s not for me to decide, that can only come from you mama.

To be here you have to know yourself, the good the bad the ugly you have to have met your shadows and walked in the darkness for the magic that birth brings it will ask you to go there. She will show you strength and power you never knew was within you. She will shatter the maiden and bring her to her knees in order from you to Birth the mother you were meant to be. 

And the wonder of this place we live in is that these are my beliefs, you do not have to believe what I believe but I do ask you this, what do you believe around birth and labour, is it your own? Or is it someone else’s? Is it a culture and a system that doesn’t trust women’s bodies? Sit with it. Who told you it was this way? And who benefits from you believing this? 

We can hold this belief and simultaneously be thankful for modern medicine and its life saving advances. If a woman is truly in tune with herself, her baby, her body and her birth, being lead by her intuition it will not lead her astray. You are the centre of birth, the gatekeeper of this rite of passage, it’s all about your internal experience. 


Leanna Hines is an Energetic Birth Worker, specialising in igniting deep relationship connections through the transition of birth and into parenthood. 

With over 15 years of knowledge and lived experience in women’s health and her sacred mentorship in preparing mothers and couples for birth, she holds space for women to uncover their innate birthing wisdom within and as such reclaim their connection to self, each other & their own power.

You can connect with Leanna at

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