Preparing for Birth: Hospital Bag Essentials

A hospital bag is a necessity, but many expectant mamas don't know where to start! And as with anything, preparation is key; a well-prepared bag ensures that you and baby both have everything you need for a comfortable hospital stay. Below is a list of ten essential items to consider for your hospital bag!

1. Important Documents
This first one quite often gets forgotten about!! Documents!! Having all the necessary documents at the ready (including but not limited to your ID, insurance information, hospital registration forms, birth plan etc) will streamline the check-in process upon your arrival and ensure that your birth team have all the information they need, on hand and at the ready.

2. Comfortable Clothing
When you're going in to give birth, there is so much unpredictable territory, including how long you might be in hospital! Pack comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and perhaps consider packing a few sets of pajamas / lounge-wear, a robe, and slippers, slides or non slip socks. Opt for clothes that are easy to put on and take off. And don’t forget a fresh comfortable outfit to wear home!

3. Toiletries and Personal Care Items
There's nothing like your own essentials! Whilst hospitals often provide basic toiletries, let's be honest - having your own can make you feel more comfortable. You know you and your routine best, what's going to make you feel great even the bare essentials? A toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and any other personal care items you know and love to help you feel refreshed.

4. Nursing Bras and Breast Pads
If you plan to breastfeed, nursing bras, breast pads and perhaps even a pump in case required will help streamline what can be a confronting new endeavour.

5. Snacks and Hydration
Hospital food isn't always the best, and we all have our go-to comfort snacks! Labor can be long, and you might end up staying a while so we recommend packing some healthy snacks like granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit. Also, remember a reusable water bottle with a straw to stay hydrated (coconut water is also great for electrolytes!). Mamas often say they find that having their favorite snacks on hand can be a comfort to them during their hospital stay.

6. Baby Clothes and Essentials
We've got you covered, but don't forget (even though this may seem obvious!) to pack a few outfits for your brand new bundle of joy! Include some easy onesies, swaddle, socks and mittens, hat and a going-home outfit, socks, and hats. And again, it may sound obvious but don't forget diapers and baby wipes, although the hospital will provide some, having your preferred brand can be reassuring.

7. Cell Phone and Charger
Staying connected with family and friends is important, and you'll likely want to take lots of photos and videos. Make sure to pack your cell phone and a charger, preferably with a long cord so you can easily reach it from the hospital bed. A portable charger can also be handy in case outlets are not conveniently located.

8. Entertainment and Comfort Items
Labor can sometimes be a waiting game. Bring some entertainment options like books, magazines, or a tablet loaded with movies and music. Comfort items such as a favorite pillow or blanket can make your hospital room feel more like home and help you relax during your stay after baby is born.

9. Camera
While many rely on their phones for photos and videos, some prefer to bring a dedicated camera or polaroid to capture memories of the baby's first moments. Ensure it's fully charged and that you have extra batteries, film or memory cards if needed.

10. Postpartum Care
After delivery, you'll need items to help with recovery. Some postpartum essentials include maternity pads, comfortable underwear, compression socks or shorts, and any postpartum care products recommended by your healthcare provider. A perineal spray or cooling pads can provide relief if you have any tearing or swelling.

Packing your hospital bag in advance can significantly reduce stress as you approach your due date. Remember, every mother's needs are unique, so feel free to add personal items that will make your experience more comfortable and enjoyable. Preparing thoughtfully will ensure you have everything you need, allowing you to concentrate on the precious moments with your newborn!