Seven Ways to Become Spiritually Magnetic by Sophie Frabotta
A secret I’ve uncovered from years of being a spiritual healer is that magnetism isn’t something you need to search for; it’s something that you already have inside of you. Amplifying your magnetism isn’t about changing who you are—it’s about revealing your most authentic self. The moment you allow that part of you to shine, your life changes!
Whether you realize it or not, you CAN draw in the people, things and opportunities into your world that resonate with your deepest truths. If you’ve ever wondered how to intentionally step into your magnetic energy, here are six ways you can begin to tap into it.
1. Assume Everyone Adores You
This might feel awkward at first, but it’s an essential shift in perspective. Most of us allow self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and mental narratives to loop inside and keep us playing small. But what if you approached every interaction as if the person in front of you already saw your worth, your beauty, and your light? When you believe in your own magnetism, it reflects outward, and others begin to mirror that belief back to you.
2. Constantly Send Positive Energy to Others
Energy flows where your attention goes. The more positive energy you send out, the more you amplify your positive vibration. Take a moment throughout your day to send silent blessings to those around you. This shifts your vibration to radiate abundance instead of the lower less powerful vibrations. I’ve found that the act of sending energy also gives me an energy boost, so it is a win win. When you give with an open heart, you naturally attract more of what you desire.
3. Smile Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
A smile can shift your energy in an instant. Your smile sends a signal to the brain that everything is in fact, ok. Even on days when you feel drained or low, smiling triggers a physical and emotional reaction that lifts your spirit. This is not about faking it, but rather using your body’s innate wisdom to recalibrate your energy. People will be drawn to your warmth, and sometimes, all it takes is a smile to create a connection that changes someone’s life.
4. Become the Creator of Your Reality
You are the main character in your story, and it is time to start acting like it. I invite you to walk with purpose, dress in a way that makes you feel empowered, and speak your truth unapologetically. When you step into the role of being the main character, you embrace your power to shape your life. This helps you take the lead in your life, ultimately becoming the example of how others shall treat you. Let your story be an example of what’s possible.
5. Use Love as Your Lead
In a world that often glorifies toughness and hustle, leading with a loving wide open heart is sometimes seen as soft. But true power comes from the heart. When you allow yourself to be open, guided by the heart and led through love, you open up space for deep connection and healing with those you come in contact with.
6. Visualize Yourself Surrounding in a Bright Yellow Light
Every time you feel like your energy is dimming or your self-esteem is waning, close your eyes and visualize a radiant yellow light surrounding your whole body. This light is your inner sun, glowing from within and illuminating every part of you. Imagine it expanding, filling up the room, touching everything in your space. Let this practice be a daily reminder that you have the power to brighten the world.
7. Trust in Your Light
The energy you radiate is unique, and when you trust in your light, and allow it to shine, you naturally attract everything you need.
Remember, magnetism is not about forcing anything; it’s about becoming so in tune with your authentic self that you effortlessly draw in what is meant for you. As you amplify your spiritual magnetism, you’ll notice how opportunities, connections, and experiences that resonate with your true essence begin to flow into your life. I invite you to embrace your magnetism, allow it to guide you, and watch as your life begins to transform in ways you’ve always dreamed of.
Sophie Frabotta is a Thought Leader, Healer, Author, and trailblazer in the Spiritual Industry known to many as Awaken With Sophie. With a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and a globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification, she stands out as a distinguished figure who intentionally shares profound healing techniques that move students into a renewed, restored and powerful new phase of life.