Birth Story by Caitlin Zoch

I was so fortunate to have a really positive experience. I went into labour on Thursday the 20th of May. I didn't sleep much that night but easily breathed my way through the surges and stayed relaxed. Friday morning around 10am we rang the hospital to let them know I was in labour. The midwife suggested we stay at home as long as we could and I was happy as that was what I had planned during pregnancy to do. I used the shower, the bath, watching TV, listening to a relaxation meditation and Podcasts to help through the surges.

By around lunchtime my surges were becoming stronger and my husband suggested I use the TENS machine. Looking back now this was the transition stage I think. The TENS machine was really helpful. Around 2pm I had a surge where I felt like I wanted to push. We rang the hospital and they said to come up. My waters broke in the car in the carpark.

When I got into the birthing suite I was fully dilated and ready to push. I pushed for about an hour and the Dr suggested we change positions and that I should try to empty my bladder. The minute I stood up from the toilet I could feel the baby starting to come out. With the guidance of the Dr and controlled breathing I was able to quickly and easily deliver my precious boy standing up at around 4pm. He was handed to me up through my legs and it was the best feeling ever. I had my placenta encapsulated and had a wonderful recovery.

My birth was such an incredible and positive experience. My husband proudly tells everyone our story after Jensen was born. He was a fantastic support through the whole thing. He gave me space as he could see I was handling things well and gave me support when he thought I needed it.

One more special thing that happened and thankfully my husband was paying attention because I was in my own world. When Jensen was born our first dance song from our wedding was playing on the random playlist. When I lay on the bed with him he straight away grabbed my necklace that had my Dad's pendant on it and Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd was playing. Both my husband and I have lost our Fathers, so it was like they were there too. It still gives me goosebumps to this day.

I’m Caitlin, 30 years old and live in Mildura, Victoria. This was my first baby and I delivered him at the local hospital, unfortunately we are very limited in our choices here for giving birth. I prepared myself as best as I could both mentally and physically for the birth as I knew I wanted to be in control as much as possible. I also only wanted to use natural pain relief if I could manage it. I found Hypnobirthing was incredibly helpful and I also read Zen Mamas leading up to the birth and it was fantastic!