Postpartum Vlog: Prairie Moon, Week 4

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She is 8lb 5oz this week or 3.77kg and really filling out in her cheeks.


It’s feeling back to normal now, I’m still a good 10lbs off my pre-pregnancy weight but I don’t feel any rush to lose it, I’m just enjoying her. The last two days I’ve started exercising again, I felt ready to and my body is responding well to that. I find it brings me more energy when I work out.

My pinched nerve is still around and I now haven’t felt my thumb, index finger and middle finger properly in 3 weeks, it’s just all pins and needles and I can see I’m not using my index finger properly so if that doesn’t improve soon I might have to go see a doc. I’m back to bleeding a little more again after the belly massage I had about 10 days ago from Nadia of The Golden Month, she mentioned it might stir the bleeding up again which I don’t mind as I know it all aids in the healing process and getting the uterus back to its normal self.


Smiling!! It’s so divine to see her actually reacting to something I’m doing to make her smile. I’ve been actively trying to engage with her in that way and to see her now responding with a gorgeous wee smile is really special. Her first proper smile where it seemed intentional (and not just gas!) happened on her 4 week birthday.


Prairie has been grunting like a mad woman from about 5am each morning, she’s really trying to push out a fart or a big poo! I’m always rooting for her because I’m desperate to go back to sleep at that time so I try pumping her legs, burping and stroking her back to help but it seems she doesn’t manage to get it all passing until later in the morning but that doesn’t stop her trying and loudly too!


I love lying with her when everyone else is asleep, I listen to a mindset podcast, have the salt lamp on and we just have moments to bond just her and I. I also love seeing the kids with her, how much they’ve all fallen in love with her. Bodhi has been really gorgeous with figuring out all the ways to soothe her and after me he is the person who I know I can turn to if I’m tending to one of the other kids and can’t be with her immediately.


The Golden Month has been providing me with gorgeous meals so I feel nourished in that sense. The other day was funny I hadn’t been able to shower/bath in quite a number of days so finally I thought tonight would be the night I’d make it work! Mum had gone to bed early that night so I ran the bath while I changed and fed Prairie and put her down in the Snoo as I was just getting ready to slip into the bath she woke up. I settled her again and after about 20 minutes I tried once more to get into the bath which by now was starting to get lukewarm, I slid into the water and it felt glorious but the moment was fleeting as about 3 minutes later Prair was up again and calling for me, the life of a mother! I got to have a long shower the next day AND wash my hair, big win!

Mum and I have a great morning routine, with her getting them all breakfast while I get Prairie ready and lay out the clothes for the other kids and pack any snacks, extra clothes we need for the day bag. Without fail we leave everyday at 7:50am, even when I really think we will leave earlier, no matter how hard I try thats the time we leave but it gets Bodhi to school with 20 minutes to spare so he can settle in and have some play with his mates before the day starts, still I find it hilarious that even on days I try to get out the house earlier it just does not happen!

Other than that cluster feeding is working great still as is giving Prairie a massive feed before she gets in the car to help her move through her big “oh no I’m in a car!” feelings. One last thing I’ll offer up is I just highly recommend this nappy cream routine I’ve been doing with every change; Weleda zinc cream with Nature Baby organic baby powder patted on top into the cream. I also have been using flannels and a water spray bottle to replace our wipes. It just means she hasn’t even gotten red at all down there, it’s one of the best hacks I’ve discovered. LOVE it and I’m adamant that we keep up with it until she’s about 8 months old when her skin will be a little less sensitive.


We are leaving Australia in about 2 weeks, it’s wild to me to think that time has come around so quickly again, I’m not sure I’m ready? But I certainly am ready to see my hubby again and my stepson. It’ll be so nice being back in LA, it’s just been such as special time here of nesting and having this time of growth and change for our family. I’ve been loving the playgroups, Kindergym, dance classes and play dates we’ve been having with friends but it’s so nice to know that it is always here for us, what a wonderful thing to come back to.
