The Do's & Don'ts of Yoga On Your Period by Brett Larkin

If you ever get your period and think, "UGH, I'm going to skip my yoga practice today," I get it. Menstrual cramps are no fun. Mood swings, bloating and fatigue will have you wanting to curl up in bed instead of practicing yoga on your period. But I want to be the voice over your shoulder pleading DON'T SKIP YOUR YOGA PRACTICE!

I'm not saying you have to put on tight pants and perform a fiery vinyasa yoga flow. But deep breathing, forward folds, gentle backbends and the ever-soothing child's pose can work wonders. Here are my four top tips to do a yoga practices that soothes your menstrual cycle and eases symptoms (even if you have heavy periods)

#1 - Move Slowly

Mindful movement is key during menstruation. Prioritize EASE. Your menstrual cycle is nature's way of telling you so slow down and go inward. Prioritize introspection. Practice listening and then doing what feels good in YOUR BODY. Maybe that looks like transitioning between cow pose and cat pose for a few minutes before some gentle seated twists and neck stretches. Or standing and doing some slow hip circles. Even 5 or 10 minutes is enough. DO something that feels soothing and links your breath with your movement. DON'T attempt 108 sun salutations.

#2 Think of Your Mat as Your "Healing Zone"

Instead of thinking of yoga as another thing you have to "do," think of your mat as a safe haven. This is what will make you want to practice. Instead of emphasizing what movement you do, prioritize spending time on your mat, even if all you can do is lay in savasana (corpse pose) or read a book. DO nourishing activities on your mat. This honors your body and your commitment to a daily practice. DON'T just lie in bed all day. It's been clinically proven that movement eases both PMS and period cramps.

#3 Skip Inversions

I know this one gets debated amongst modern yogis. While yes, you may be physically capable of doing yoga inversions like headstand and handstand during your period, that doesn't mean it's the best choice energetically. When you practice inversions you are going against the natural downward flow, what the yogis called apana vayu that's currently happening in your body as the uterine lining sheds. From an energetic perspective, going upside down is counterintuitive to your body's natural process. DO seated poses like cobbler's pose or seated forward fold. DON'T headstand.

#4 Listen To Your Body!

You know your body and your menstrual cycle better than anyone else. No two women's periods are quite alike, and no individual woman will have the same period twice. Many say your intuitive capacities are higher during your cycle. It's a great time to force yourself to rest on your mat and tune deeply inward. Tune into your body and your energy. Trust your intuition to guide your movements. Use props like bolsters and blocks to pamper yourself - perhaps in a gentle supported backbend? DO what feels nourishing. DON'T force something that doesn't respect your energy levels. Sometimes you want a guided experience and that's okay. Try my popular class for period pain.

Looking for a compilation of yoga poses to practice yoga on your period? Check out these yoga poses for PMS. Curious how yoga can help with menstrual pain or hormonal health? Here's my resource list on yoga for fertility.

Remember: Your asana practice doesn't need to look fancy, EVER, but especially during your period. Most of the complex yoga positions you see celebrated today weren't even a part of ancient yoga traditions. Release your expectations and indulge during this monthly reset.

Learn how to tailor your yoga practice to YOUR personality, your menstrual cycle along with fun habits to sprinkle the joy of yoga throughout your day in my new book Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, And Breathwork To Channel Joy Amidst The Chaos ❤️.


Brett Larkin is the founder of Uplifted Yoga® and the author of Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos. Her Online Yoga Teacher Trainings have set the standard for quality online certification since 2015 and matriculated thousands of yoga teachers. Brett’s award-winning YouTube channel with over half a million subscribers and Uplifted Yoga Podcast empower you to actively design your life using yoga’s ancient wisdom. Yoga enthusiasts love her courses on Kundalini Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, and the Uplifted Yoga® Academy. Learn more at and on social media at @larkinyogatv